The creppypasta manor

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"Masky" slender called. " y-yes sir" masky said with a stutter. "Masky I need you to go tell Lilly she is the new seer and take Nikki and Sara with you." " Yes sir will do so" masky replied as he walked out slenders room. As he was walking in the hall ways he heard a Big Bang. That sounds like Sara's room,he thought to himself as he went back up stairs to Sara's room the door was closed and he heard yelling so he busted open the door when he seen Sara dancing with her cardboard cut out of Harry. Sara stopped dancing and had an awkward look on her face and masky closed the door and walked away. "Do you think he saw anything Nikki." "More then likely yes" as I stopped being the cardboard cut out. As masky walked back in and said " Sara why were you dancing with the cardboard cut out". As Sara replied Sally came in and asked me to put her to sleep so I went with Sally and masky stood in the door way to tell Sara about the mission were going on. As we walked Sally's room I put her in her bed and put Charlie up there with her, Nikki can you tell me a story. Yes I can as I got a book laughing jack came in and whispered something in my ear, Sally I double promise I will read two bed time stories to you tommrow okay Jeff needs to talk to me. Okay Sally said so as me and laughing jack walked out side I seen Jeff sitting in a tree waiting for me. What do you want Jeff , oh nothing just wanted to talk. You know we can go inside and talk right. yea I know it's just how do you think I can get laughing Jill to like me, well first I can start off with stop being a mean to Sally and maybe be more nicer and yea but the rest you have to work out by yourself. Okay thanks your welcome anything else, no I'm just going to sit out here and watch nothing you want to go hurt someone don't you. YES I DO okay ill get laughing Jill to go okay brb. as I walked back inside I feed smile and grinny and of course I had to feed strider. After that I went L.Jill's room and I told her Jeff wants to go in the human world with you, so she jumped up in excitement and ran out the door so as I went back to Sara room I walked in and she was sleeping. So I went to aspens room and luckily she was up on her computer so I walked in , and laid on her water bed and said do you think that Zalgo is trying to take me to the under realm with him. Well maybe because he needs someone who knows the human world very well or he wants to use you powers for evil. But you know that I already changed enough because if what happend with Kayla, that's very true but it was an accident you didn't know any better but what if it happens again only worst . Then it happens and we all know you have no control over your frenzy once it snaps it snaps, no but what if I stay like that forever . Nikki it has to end at some point now if you excuse me I'm going to get so e food would you like some yea bring me back some Oreos please okay. As she left hoodie walked in and asked if I'm okay because he heard what were talking about . I told him I'm just worried its going to happen again just worst then usual, Nikki it's going to be okay it's going to end sometime. so he hugged me and said if you need anything it anyone to talk to you know in here, okay thanks hoodie glad to have a friend like you. You to Nikki.

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