Chapter 17: Branson.

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“Dude, the crazy bitch kissed you?” Charlie yelled.

Charlie and I had been friends since first grade. Aaron and Sam were there too. Sitting in my basement/den on the coach laughing their asses off. They were some of my best friends and the only ones I’d talk to about this.

No matter how close we were I still glared at Charlie.

“Don’t call her that.” I said right before punching him in the arm.

“Ow!” He groaned “Fine, I won’t bag on your new girlfriend. God, man…”

Aaron let out a loud laugh “No but seriously. She’s hot. How was it?”

I punched him in the arm too “Don’t call her hot.”

“Ow. Touchy, touchy.” He mumbled rubbing his arm.

Sam was the only one laughing now “Ha-ha, he hit you.” He pointed his index finger at him. They glared at him.

I stood put, reaching over the table, and punched him in the arm.

“Ow! Dammit, Branson. What was that for?”

I shrugged “I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

Aaron turned to look at me “Why are you so protective of this girl?”

“I don’t know. She’s my best friend.”

“Uh! I’m hurt, man.” Sam gasped at me.

“You’ll get over it.” I said patting his arm.

He shrugged me off and pretended to cry.

“So…” Charlie incuredged me.

“So, what?”

“So are you going to break up with Layla?” Charlie said hopefully, he had had a thing for her since the begging of senior year.

“No.” I said punching him again.

Sam laughed and then that was it before it all went to hell. Charlie jumped on Sam, Aaron yelled, “Fight!” right before he punched me in the gut. I wrestled him to the ground. We stumbled into Sam and Charlie’s fight and after a minute we were all wrestling. Punching, hitting, kicking, I even think someone bit my arm.

“Hey!” Sophia yelled running down the stairs “What are you idiots doing?”

“Sophia.” Sam quickly jumped to his feet, kicking Charlie when he tried to pull him back down “We weren’t doing anything, just having some fun. Messing around.”

“Oh, well, cut it out. I can hear you guys all the way upstairs.” She sighed and then gasped “Oh, Aaron. You have a bloody lip.” She complained, and ran to the sink, getting a wet hand towel and running back to where Aaron laid on his back on the floor. We had all stopped fighting. I sat leaned against the side of the couch holding my arm, Charlie sat next to me clutching his stomach, and Sam was still standing up straight trying to catch my sisters’ attention. It was no use though. She was too busy with Aaron.

His head was in her lap and she was dabbing lightly at his bottom lip. They were in love and god damn am I jealous. She was the good girl, nice and clean, and he was the bad boy, dirty and rude, but somehow they had worked it all out and now they were together, they’d been together for about two months now.

“Are you okay, baby?” She asked.

“I don’t know. My lip is still a little soar. Do you think you could give it a kiss for me?” He said.

She took her hand from the top of his head, where she had been fixing his messy black curls, to his cheek. She leaned down and kissed his bottom lip once before pulling back and dabbing it with the cloth again.

“So, you’re girlfriend walks in the room and you don’t stop acting like an idiot long enough to even get up?” Sam asked.

Aaron didn’t take his eyes off Sophia as he answered Sam “No, that’s why I think she loves me. Because I’m an idiot. That’s also why I love her. She doesn’t care what Im like. Just like I don’t care if she never puts make-up on in the morning or never sleeps with me again, she doesn’t care if I act like an idiot.”

They starred at each other for a long moment.

“Gross, you two have slept together?” I asked disgusted “That is just too much information.”

“I think I’m just going to go throw myself off a cliff now.” Sam mumbled slumping down on the coach.

“Jealous much?” Aaron asked taking his eyes off my sister for the first time.

“You have no idea.” Sam mumbled.

“Aww, poor, Sam.” Charlie said sitting down next to him “Look what you’ve done to the poor boy, Sophia.”

“Aww, you’re right.” She jumped from her spot on the ground, letting Aarons head hit the ground. She ran to the coach and threw herself in Sam’s lap “Sammy. I’m sorry. I should be more sensitive when I’m around you. Is there anything I can do?”

“Well, you know, you’re boyfriend did punch me in the jaw. It really hurts, maybe a kiss would make it feel better?” He said turning his head.

She laughed “Well, it just one little kiss.” She leaned down and kissed him on his square jaw “How’s that?”

“Wonderful. You know I also got punched in the lip…”

“I don’t think so Sammy.” She jumped out of his lap and skipped up the stairs.

Sam was beaming, that was until Aaron was standing in front of him, then he looked like he was going to cry.

“I didn’t punch you in the jaw.” He said.

“Yeah, neither did I.” Charlie said, amused.

“Me neither.” I added.

“Yeah, I know but…it was just one little kiss.” Sam said cowering.

Aaron was fast and before I knew what was happening Sam was thrown to one side, banging into Charlie.

“You punched me in the jaw!” He cried.

“Yeah, and if you ever try to pull something like that again, I’ll kill you.”

“You’re so lucky.” I said.

Aaron stared at me “Why? Because I’m banging your sister because if your jealous of that…”

“Don’t be a prick.” I groaned “Just that you have someone too…too…”

“Kiss your boo-boo’s better?” He said finishing my sentence.

“Exactly.” I sighed and sunk into the arm chair

“What about Layla?” Charlie asked hopeful again.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Layla. Or I think I do at least. But she would never do…all that.” I said waving my hand in Aaron’s direction.

“What about Mary?” Sam asked rubbing his jaw.

“I don’t know.  She’s almost got me convinced she doesn’t care.” I starred at the ground a long time.

“I know how we can find out.” Aaron said with an evil smile “You already look like something terrible has happened to you.”

“What are you thinking of?”

The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy. //+//A Complicated Love Story//+//Where stories live. Discover now