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*Cynthia's POV.

I slammed my locker closed at the irritation of my history teacher. I swore to her I finished the stupid packet. I mean what kind of teacher prints out a ten page packet for a junior to do on the last five frakin days of school anyways!?

So anyyyyways I did the assignment I just....erm.... Me and the assignment decided it was better if it explored a new world....

Therefore I did the darn assignment!

I mean geez teachers just don't get the struggle of us students these days! I mean like #struggles4days.


"Oh my gods! You scared the crap outta me!"

"Ohhhh so that's what that was i thought it was that gross perfume of yours," he wifs his hand in the air towards his nose,"yep there's the smell again." He chuckled to him self obviously proud until I hit him in the arm.

"I hate you."

"Now I doubt that."

"Okay your right," he smiled to him self, "it's a strong dislike with a lot of passion." I smiled to myself pleased.

"Uh!" He put his hand on his heart and swiped away a "tear", he is so weird at times.

He suddenly laughed and locked our arms, "shall I cook you a delightful lunch this afternoon hun?" He smiled and winked.

"I would love that! What shall it be? Lunch room food or vending on this fine midday?"

"Why I think it shall be vending they are serving quite odd meals today I heard."

"Vending it is!"

"Well we shalnt waste a minute shall we?"

"Oh why never!"

"Pip pip Cherrio then!" He yelled down the hall. We got weird looks but it's not my fault teens these days don't know how to have fun I swear.


Short chapter I know but I'll update soon love you guys!

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