Chapter 4

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Chris's pov

So this is what im working with eh? They don't look all that though, considering what I've seen so far.

"Alright, to know a little bit more on what we will be working with one of you, doesn't matter who, step forward", a guy from the far left stepped forward. "Kev, let me borrow your gun", he brought it to me with no questions, just like I told them to do when I ask something of them. "Ok big guy let's see what you do, all you need to do is just to take this gun out of my hand, I'll go easy on you and not have a tight grip k?", the gang laughed, I could hear some of them saying 'oh, he's picking this one'.

The guy quickly charged at me, already knowing he needs to learn. I dodged the charge that was followed by a punch. Everything he did I would easily dodge it, he's only focusing on my head and the gun in my hand, the suit is slowing him down, shoes are making him stumble a bit tampering with the center of balance, he's using a lot of strength into his punches making him more tired quicker.

So many things that need to be improved and fixed, I'm already getting tired of dodging and doing backflips so I crouch to the ground and swipe him off his feet using my leg. "There are many problems that need to be improved and fixed, I can tell we are going to be here for a very long time", I said then looked up at everyone to see shocked looks except for the gang. "Hmm...", thinking on what can be used and how to train them I got an idea, "where do you guys normally train?", I asked Jace,  "the shooting range and the weight lifting room", he said.

Everyone went to the shooting range which was outside, I took the time to tell Jace what I will need while the gang was having a blast shooting the targets. "I'm going to need that weight room and the shooting range along with two rooms and a meeting room" he looked at me questionably, "A meeting room? Why is that a need?" "Do you want your men trained or not?".

But then, oh then, he had the nerve to say, "Alright shorty", everyone was gasping and faking they were hurt while others went to hide and see from afar. I laughed a little and shook my head, when I turned around to look up at him.

I hit him at the back at the head, unfortunately I had to jump a little to be able to do that. "That, was a warning", I start walking off and gather up everyone, "Alright, we have some work to do, the rest of you can carry on your day".

The next day...

None's pov

It was six a.m. everyone was asleep in the building, the gang took the time to get some air horns and sneak into the building, "Wake up sleepyheads!", all of them said at once. It got them to wake up but be extremely angry to the point where they chased them.

Some time later after running and loosing them in the meantime, they found them in the gym talking. "Hey!", one of the men said pissed off, "Finally you found us!", one of the gang members said, "Is this all just a game to you?!". They all said, "Yep!", then all started using the air horn, "Do you guys even care?!", one went up to the man, "...Nope", then blew the air horn close to his face.

"You little", raising his fist about to punch him, Chris got in the way folding his arm blocking the attack. "I don't think so", he pulled away fast, "I asked them well, told them to go wake you up and bring you here", he said as he walked in front of them. "Today you are going to do strength, agility, aim, and their all time favorite, parkour", Chris said.

"You all have to do each category for at least an hour, there will be two of the guys that will lead you all and you must listen to them without questioning", putting his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "You cannot hurt them nor have any sass, the same goes for you too", pointing at the gang, "Everything will be realistic expectations, just know that even though it's your first day on training we won't go easy on ya".

Jace's men got dressed to their workout clothes, ate a quick breakfast, then began warming up. They started off the day with strength, King and Dean were the ones leading this category. They warmed up and began lifting weights, while the rest either stayed and watched or left to prepare their own category.

Later Dean noticed there was this one guy who was having trouble lifting a huge weight. He went over before he put down the weight, "What's this?" "Nothing, just kinda couldn't do it". After Dean heard that he got angry, "Don't tell me you can't when you can't!", the man looked at him as sweat rolls down his face, "Tell me, who's the one you love the most? You got a girlfriend?", which he nodded, "Ok, now go back there to that weight".

He returned and waited, "Now, pretend that weight is a huge rock and underneath that rock is your girlfriend, what's her name?" "Amanda" "Alright, Amanda is underneath that rock and is begging for help, start lifting the weight-rock!", he starts lifting the weight but can't.

"She's telling you, you can! That rock is doubting your strength! Show that rock and Amanda that you can lift it!", he starts lifting it, as he puts more effort he eventually lifts the weight up". "HELL YEAH!! That's what I'm talking about, now", he puts the weight down with a smile on his face, "When you are having difficulty lifting or pushing something, think of your girlfriend, Amanda, in a certain situation, it will always do the trick now, go and carry on, I'll be around if you need me", and with a pat in the back he left but not before tossing his a towel and a water bottle.

With a smile on his face he went on and started off with small weights and carried on to the same one, Dean helped him out on.

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