Lin Said

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The morning after the first day that you got back to New York was strange.

You woke up, and felt like nothing had changed. Then you remembered that Lin liked you- and you would be able to date him soon! As soon he broke up with Vanessa.

It felt like you were trapped in a daze, and you would soon snap out of it and have the whole D.C. trip disappear- but as of now, that hadn't happened.

Usually, you hated mornings, but you were actually happy when you woke up. Life was finally going your way, and you were going to make the most of it while it lasted. (Let's be honest- things don't stay perfect forever)

Not to mention, you had your first rehearsal today! Lin had filled up the Hamilton cast and finished writing the songs- and now it was time to begin practice.

But before you went to the Richard Rodgers Theater, you decided to stop for coffee so that you would have maximum energy during rehearsal. 

While you're waiting, you hear behind you, "Y/N."

You turn around and see Vanessa. Panic hits you. Uh oh. "Hi."

For some reason, she looks smug. "Did you hear?"

Now you were confused rather than panicked. "What?"

"That Lin and I are probably going to get married!"

You feel the blood drain from your face. Lin said that he would break up with her. Lin said that he didn't like her anymore. Lin said that he liked you. Lin said that he wanted to be with you. Lin said. Lin said. Lin said.

You manage a weak smile. "Congratulations. Has he proposed?"

"No, but we talked about getting married. I'm so excited!" Vanessa studies your expression. "Are you okay? You look like you're going to pass out."

You suddenly feel angry. How could Lin lead you on like that? Make you feel like you mattered to him, then back out of his promise and make you feel like a fool? A fool in love with him.

"I'm fine," you mutter, then grab your coffee when they call your name. "I need to go."

When you get there, you see a group of people standing on the stage, including Tommy Kail, Alex Lacamoire, and-

"Daveed!", you exclaim.

He turns around, and a wide smile spreads across his face. "Y/N!"

He jumps off the stage, then rushes over to you. When you meet, he wraps you in a hug.

You separate, and he says, "I didn't know you auditioned for Hamilton!"

You smile, his happiness rubbing off on you. Plus you had missed his fluffy dark brown hair, which stuck out to the sides. You had braided it multiple times before. "I didn't know you did either!"

You had met Daveed in high school, then gone to the same college. But then you moved away to California for a few years, and had lost touch. You just moved back a couple years ago.

"What part did you get?", you ask.

"Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson."

"Cool, those are fun parts."

"What about you?"


"Oh, Mr. Famous-pants' wife, that's a good part."

You laugh. "Yep."

He grabs your hand and starts to drag you towards the stage. "I need to introduce you to the rest of the cast. They're awesome."

Helpless (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now