Life With Lin

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You pulled your car over.

Lin looks out the window. "Where are we?"

You smile mischievously. "You'll see."

You get out of you car and look up at the old, run down building. You hadn't been here since before your theater group left for Mexico. You missed it.

Lin stands next to you. "We're not going in, are we?"

"We are," you reply, determined.

"What even was that building?"

"You'll see."

Lin cautiously follows you over to the side of the building, where a fire escape zig-zaged on the wall.

"We're going up that, aren't we?"

"Now you're catching on."

You walk over and begin walking up the stairs, Lin following closely behind. When you get to the top, you reel back your foot and kick open the window. You and Lin duck your heads and climb in.

"Wow," Lin gasps.

You smile.

Inside was an large, old theater that had gotten abandoned decades ago, which was really a shame because it was beautiful.

The fire escape led to the top row of seats, and from there, you could perfectly see the whole theater.

The stage was wide and paneled with light wood. The once bright red curtains were now faded and had holes in them. All of the seats had red velvet on them, which was now light and felt weird. But the walls were covered in paintings, designs, patterns, pictures, and all sorts of gorgeous things. It really brought the room together, and for some reason, made it feel even bigger.

"How did you find this place?", Lin asks in awe, still looking around.

"I was just driving one day and saw it. I had been in a crappy mood, so I decided to check it out, ignoring the logical part of me that said I could get in trouble for breaking and entering. But I ended up being really glad I did. And from then on, I just came here whenever I wanted to be alone- not at my apartment."

He smiles. "Thanks for sharing your place with me."

"Of course. Come here." You grab his hand and lead him to the first seats, and you sit down.

"Look at the stage," you say gently, and you both turn to face it. "Pretty soon, your show is going to be playing in a theater, just like this one. But this time, instead of laughing when you say 'Alexander Hamilton', everyone sitting in those seats are going to clap." His gaze shifts from the stage to you. 

"I love you," he says full of emotion, giving you the you're-everything-to-me look.

You feel your heart pang. He loves you? He loves you! Lin loves you! "I love you too."

He smiles wide, as of he didn't already know. Well, you hadn't officially said it, but you thought it was pretty clear. 

Lin presses his lips to yours so gently and so sweetly that you thought you were going to melt into a puddle of happiness.

What did you do in life to deserve someone like Lin?

You pull away. "I love you," you whisper.

"I love you," he whispers back.

You both smile, and you look into his gorgeous chocolate eyes. You think of the first time you met him. "Do you remember the first time we met?", you ask as you both make your way back to the window.

Helpless (Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now