Daveed To The Rescue

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"...and then Vanessa walked in and told me that she and Lin were probably going to get married," you finish, swirling around the straw in your chocolate milkshake.

"I can't believe it. Lin seemed so nice. And it seemed like he really liked you, from your story," Daveed says sympathetically.

"I thought he did, too."

"Well, maybe he does."

"How could he?"

"Lin just isn't good at confrontations with people he's known for a long time. When Vanessa started saying how she wanted to marry Lin, he most likely began to feel guilty, and despite his feelings for her, didn't tell her about you and him. He still likes you, Y/N."

"But I don't want to hope anymore," you say, shaking salt onto your French fries. "Every time I have I've been let down."

"You can't let go of your hope, Y/N. That's one of the things I love most about you." Daveed pauses, eating his last bite of spaghetti. "Just tell him how you feel."

"I did- I have. I just... don't know what do now."

Daveed slides a band off his wrist and pulls his hair into a ponytail. "Well, I do, mon amie," he says in a French accent.

You look up from your food and laugh. "And what is that, Marquis de Lafayette?"

"It is time to start a Revolution!"

"What?", you ask, confused.

"Let go to Lin's!", he declares, throws a ten on the table, then begins to march away.

"What?" You set down a ten, then follow after him. "Daveed, no."

"Who is this Daveed you speak of? He sounds handsome," Daveed says, getting into his car.

Since he was your ride there, you get in. "Fine, Lafayette, we can't go to Lin's. What will I say? What if Vanessa is there? I'm mad at him, I can't talk to him right now."

He begins driving down the road. "When you are angry at someone, that is the best time to tell them how you feel. Besides, Monsieur Lin is one of the most kind men I have ever met. You'll be fine."


"I know you want him to burn right now, Eliza, but you have to tell Alexander how you feel about the pamphlet," Daveed interrupts, still in character.

"But he cheated on me," you say, following along as Eliza. "How can I forgive him for that?"

"You don't have to forgive him, Mrs. Hamilton. Just tell him what's on your mind."

For the rest of the ride, you were quiet. What were you going to say? What was Lin going to say? Were you going to argue? What would end up happening?

After Daveed pulls into a spot in the parking lot of Lin's apartment, he turns to you. "Go get your Hamilton, Eliza."

You look out the windshield up at the building. "What if I can't?"

"Then that's Lin's fault, not yours," Daveed says, finally dropping the accent. "I'll be right here for you when you're done."

You smile at him gratefully. "Thanks, Daveed."

"Anything for my favorite cinnamon roll."

You let out a small chuckle, then hug him before you get out of the car.

Pretty soon, you're standing in front of Lin's door. You take a deep breath, pray to God Vanessa isn't there, then knock on the door.

You hear movement, and the door swings open, and you see Lin's handsome face. Even though you were mad at him, when you saw him, your heart fluttered. You silently cursed your stupid strong feelings for this man.

"Y/N?", he asks in surprise.

"Lin." You try and calm yourself. It will just be a normal conversation between friends. Between two people who care about each other. It will be fine. "Um, can I come in? Unless you have company."

"Oh, no. Come in." He opens the door wider, and you step into his nice apartment. The last time you were there the five-minute celebration for when you got Eliza.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but I thought you were mad at me," Lin says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I was- I am. But instead of just ignoring you and staying mad at you, I was hoping we could talk about it. You're a really important part of my life, and I don't what I would do if you weren't in it- even as just a friend."

He smiles, looking touched. "Thanks, Y/N. Okay, let's talk." He leads you over to his couch, and you sit down next to him.

You prepare yourself. This has to be done. "I guess I'm just upset because, you know, you said you would break up with her because you liked me, but then you didn't, and I guess I'm just kind of hurt because I really, really like you," you say slowly.

Lin sighs, and smooths back his ponytail. "And I really, really like you too." He doesn't say anything for a moment, then suddenly stands up, looking determined.

You stand up too.

He starts walking towards the door, and you follow behind.

"Where are you going?", you ask as he walks down the hallway and to the elevator.

He presses the button to go down. "Vanessa's."

"Oh, geez, Lin, I don't want you to break up with her because of-"

"We've already been over this. I like you. She deserves to know."

As you go down, you say, "Well, I guess I'll just go home, then. I definitely shouldn't be there." When he doesn't say anything, you get worried. "Right, Lin?" Crud. He doesn't want you there, does he? "Right? "

The elevator door opens, and he grabs your hand. "I don't want you to feel like I'm hiding you from her or I'm embarrassed to like you."

"You could just tell me rather than making me witness your breakup," you say as he drags you to his car.

"I'm going to show you."

You pass Daveed, and he looks at you curiously. You just shrug, then get into Lin's car.

As you drive down the street, you say, "Lin, I didn't come over to ask you to break up with Vanessa. I just didn't want to be mad at you anymore so I wanted to talk."

"I know. But I promised you that I would. I told you that I liked you and that we could be together, and I'm not a liar. I don't like Vanessa anymore, and I want to be with you." Lin smiles gently and glances at you. "Just accept it."

You smile back. "Okay."

When he pulls into the parking lot of Vanessa's apartment building, you begin to feel nervous. She'll hate that you're there.

As you're walking down the hall, you have to struggle to keep up with his fast pace. 

After a few seconds, you're standing in front of the door together.

Lin intertwines his hand with yours, and you smile at him.

He grins back. 

"Boy, you got me helpless...," you sing softly.

"As long as I'm alive, Y/N, swear to God you'll never feel so helpless."

You look into his deep brown eyes, and wonder in amazement how this incredible human being likes you- you, out of everyone on this big Earth.

"No matter what happens, I'm walking out with you as my Eliza."

You smile. 

Lin presses a very gentle but incredibly sweet kiss on your cheek, squeezes your hand, then knocks on the door.

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