Chapter 1: Just Jump

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Have you ever felt so low that you feel that life is more of a punishment than death? Well I feel like that at the moment but right now I was standing on the edge of a bridge. The waters rushed by below and tears poured out of my eyes. This life wasn’t worth living and I was so chicken shit that I was going to end my life instead of facing my problems head on.

 It was past three on the morning and no one was out. I smiled up at the sky and sighed. This was it, I was-


 I jumped at the sound of a male voice to my left; almost losing my balance.

 “Stop!” the guy yelled.

 I heard his foot falls on the concrete of the bridge picking up speed. I needed to hurry if I was going to do it. Suddenly I lost my footing and I screamed. I was falling; fast.

I opened my eyes- wait. I was supposed to be dead! I groaned and sat up looking around me. I saw the basics of a bedroom but it was obvious it belonged to a boy. Clothes littered the floor and the room smelled of axe and wet dog. I wrinkled my nose at the two conflicting smells.

 I slowly got up from the ultra-soft bed and stretched. I wondered where I was. I opened the door and stepped into the hallway. Pictures hung on the walls but I didn’t bother to look at them. At the end of the hallway was a set of stairs and walked down them as quietly as I could.

 “Hey.” said a voice behind me.

 I turned around and saw the last person I expected to see.

 “Shane Eastman?” I asked.

 His eyes were kind and held a hint of sadness in them, “Winter, I need to-“

  I heard a door open and crash into the wall. Laughter filled the house.

 “Shane!” said a voice I would recognize anywhere.

 I froze. Zeke Thomson, my older brother, walked into view along with Gage and Ethan.

 Shane ran a hand through his black hair frustrated.

 “What?” Shane said.

 Zeke laughed, “I need-“ he started but then saw me.

 “Oh look, it’s Dud Blood.” He smirked at me.

 Shane narrowed his eyes at Zeke while Gage and Ethan sniggered behind him. I felt rather uncomfortable standing there while Shane and Zeke stared each other down.

 “So, Shane,” Zeke said, “I needed to borrow your car for my date tonight.”

 “No can do,” Shane replied with his hands crossed over his bare chest, “I have to be somewhere tonight and I need my car.”

 Zeke chuckled, “Right Alpha wants to find his baby a mate, but we all know you’ve found one; you just won’t admit to it.”

Shane glared at Zeke and Gage and Ethan became silent as the tension grew palpable. All I wanted to do was to leave but I wanted to ask Shane how I got here. I was supposed to be dead; floating down the river like I said dead.

 I was off in my own world for a while as the boys in the room started arguing about the frivolous subject of Shane’s shiny red Lamborghini Gallardo. Then it finally hit me that I was in Alpha’s house standing beside the next Alpha of the pack. I jumped away from Shane like I was shocked by a bolt of electricity. I had to get out of here. I was being set up or something. Jenny Gillard would come in any minute and make me feel more like shite than Zeke and I would show my weakness in front of Shane.

 I mean I never really spoke to him but he was one of the few pack members that didn’t put me down because of my problem, even his father looked down on me. The only reason why I was still in the pack is because my father was the Beta of the pack.

 I ran out the door rushing away as fast as I could. I knew my brother wouldn’t come after me because he hated me. When Shane’s large house was out of view I sunk down into the wet and muddy ground and sobbed. Why couldn’t I of died? All I wanted was to be free and spare my dad the humiliation of having a Blue Moon Baby; a child that could never shift into the most beautiful creature under the moon. I could never feel the underbrush of the forest under paws of a beautiful wolf. I was nothing but a Dud Blood, a wolf that couldn’t shift.

 After my mom died my father ignored me and my brother now openly put me down in front of Father. Why couldn’t I have been born to a human family? They looked so happy and they loved their children unconditionally. My mom loved me that way. The rain disguised my tears as they poured relentlessly from my eyes.

 I miss you mama. I said to the sky in my head.

 Slowly I got up and trudged down the empty street. I knew I wasn’t far from home so I continued to walk the mile to my house. As my home came slowly into view I had a feeling of intense nostalgia. It brought tears to my eyes as I remembered my mom and I planting the rose bushes in front of our large rustic home.

 “Winter, what’s your favorite flower?” mama asked.

 I looked at her, her brown hair shone red in the sunlight and her green eyes sparkled. My hair and eyes were the exact same as hers.

 “Black roses,” I said smiling happily.

 “I like those too,” she smiled, “but you know they’re not really black just a really deep red.”

 I looked behind her to see a small rose bush planted in the ground with tiny black rose buds on it.

 “Wanna help me plant the rest?” she asked.

 I nodded my head vigorously.

 I came back to the present and walked through my front door; into a home I wasn’t wanted in.

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