Chapter 7: I Choose to....

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Selene gave me my body back as soon as we reached Mount Olympus. She led me up flight after flight of golden steps until we reached the top. Surprisingly I wasn’t tired as we entered the biggest building in Olympus.

 They all sat in a circle each of them looked too serious.

 “Zeus,” Selene said, “this is Winter Rose Thomson.”

 His eyes held me coolly before he said, “I offer you a rare honor of becoming a God. I’ve only offered this to one other mortal so think wisely.”

 I looked uncertainly at Selene she smiled reassuringly, “What about Shane?”

 Zeus gave me a bored look, “He’ll live on without you.”

 “He can be your consort if you agree.” Selene whispered.

 “I choose to stay mortal,” I said, “but Zeus could you make me like the others?”

Zeus looked a little aggravated but nodded and in a flash I was gone.

-three months later-

 I watched from the shadows as Shane walked to his car. I hadn’t seen him in a long time and my heart beat picked up at the sight of him. He got in and started the engine and pulled out of his drive. I ran beside him in the cover of the trees. I veered left and jumped out in front of him. He hit the brakes and came skidding to a halt my muzzle and inch away from the front bumper of his car.

 He got out of his car, “Shift and show yourself.” He demanded.

 I stood on my paws awestruck at being so close to him.

 “As the Alpha of the Lunar Pack I demand that you reveal yourself.”

 I shifted and watched as my furry paws turn into ivory colored skin. I heard his sharp intake of breathe and I looked up at him. I smiled at him and he fell to his knees in front of me. Instantly his lips found mine and I rolled us into a ditch. His lips left mine and I took a shaky breath as his lips traveled down to my throat and he bit down. I growled as he marked me.

 “Take me home.” I said.

 Shane scooped me up and put me in his car and drove to his house.

 I lay beside Shane in his bed trying to calm my rapid breathing. Shane held me to his chest.

 “I thought you were gone for good.” He whispered.

 “No I was just afraid to come back for a while.” I admitted.

 Shane’s eyes looked into mine, “Why?”

 “I was afraid I would come back to nothing.” I said, “Where’s my dad and brother?”

 “Zeke is my Beta and is still at your house.”

 “And my father?” I asked.

 “He didn’t survive the attacks and neither did mine.” I could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke.

 I was quiet for a moment, “What has Zeke been up to?”

 “Well him and Jenny are mates.” Shane said nonchalantly.

 I snorted, “Figures, he’s a dick and she’s a bitch, they’re perfect for each other.”

 “Yeah they are but they have both changed drastically.” Shane said, “They lost everyone in the attack, Zeke thought he was all that was left of his family.”

 I felt my heart squeeze. Zeke did care for me.

 “The night he attacked you he was trying to turn you as a way to make up for being such a shitty brother.” Shane told me quietly.

 I propped myself up on my elbow and kissed Shane deeply. I missed him so much. I moaned as his fingers brushed up against his bite on my neck. I pulled away and told him that I wanted to go see my brother. We got out of bed and gave me a pair of his sweats and a plain black t-shirt.

 I knocked on my front door and waited to be let in. I heard shuffling and the door slowly opened to reveal a tired looking Jenny. Her eyes widened when she saw me; her hand flew to her mouth and she dropped to her knees.

 “Winter I’m so sorry!” She sobbed, “You were right about us being cold hearted monsters.”

 Her sobs were loud and I got down and wrapped my arms around her.

 “Jenny are you-“ I heard Zeke’s voice say.

 I looked up and tears formed in both of our eyes.

 “Winter,” he said.

 “Zeke,” I cried back.

 He wrapped me in a hug and rocked me back and forth. His tears soaked into my shirt and mine into his jacket.

 “I’m so sorry, Winter. I can’t believe you’re back.” He said.

 “I’m so sorry for not coming home sooner.” I hiccupped between sobs.

 We all went into the house and began talking. They asked me questions about what happened. And I told them that Selene took me up to Olympus and Zeus offered to make me an immortal. I told them how an elderly old were woman took me in and trained me of how to hunt and fight.

 They couldn’t believe I was really home and neither could I. The months passed, I had finished school, and I was finally introduced to the Pack as the Alpha bitch. As I looked over the gathered wolves the Pack was drastically smaller than it was before and It saddened me. Most of the pups looked devastated at the loss of their Mother or Father.

 I stood and said to the small crowd, “Selene looks after us herself and we shall get through this. Because we are all family here and we shall not leave anyone of us behind.”

 The Pack cheered and clapped their hands and a little girl came up to me. I smiled at her and she gave me a grin back; she was missing one of her front teeth and you could see the permanent one growing in.

 “Can I touch your tummy?” She asked pointing at my swollen belly.

 I took her hand and placed it where I knew the baby would kick. Her eyes lit up.

 “Is it a boy or girl?” she asked.

 “A boy.” I smiled as Shane wrapped his arms around me.

 “Who are you staying with Rarity?” Shane asked the little girl.

 Rarity’s face fell, “No one now my granny died this morning.”

 I crouched down to her level and asked, “Would you like to live with Shane and I?”

 She nodded and hugged me tightly, “Thank you.” She sighed as a tear fell down her cheek.

 So that’s my story, starting with how I tried to take away my own life to how I gained an amazing daughter and a son on the way. Other packs that had also been affected and left without an Alpha joined our pack and brought the Lunar Pack back to its original glory. The lesson my life has taught me is that when all seems hopeless that a little faith in yourself and whichever god you believe in you can make it through. Even If you don’t believe in the spiritual faith and hope will still get you through.

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