Chapter 6: Our Goddess

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Father sent me to school the next day and instead of people glaring at me they avoided me. I was in Third period when the screams started and evil laughter filled the school halls. I looked or at Shane, his face was pallid he knew what was happing. Suddenly my body felt warm and tingly and the world around me began to fade. Finally I was enclosed in complete darkness but there was a bright glow that reminded me of the moon. I ran toward it as fast as my legs would take me. I broke through into the light, it was beautiful and in the middle of it was a stunning woman. She smiled at me.

 “Hello child.” She greeted her voice melodic and harmonious and as soft as the moons light.

 “I need you tonight,” She said, “You are my vessel.”

 I tried to speak but nothing came out.

 “You are the purest of my mortal children.”

 She came up to me and placed her cool soft hand to my cheek, “Child, I need your permission to use your body. May I?” her voice was so gentle.

 I looked up into her eyes and nodded my head yes. She leaned down and breathed her light into me and I was suddenly in the class room again. I looked around the room but I wasn’t in control of my movements.


 We all watched as Winter was enveloped in a soft beautiful light. I was stuck in place; I knew that there was something extraordinary about Winter, but this was not what I was expecting. Winter was Selene’s, Our Goddess’s vessel. I should of told her and everyone else that she was my mate, but I guess I was afraid of what people and especially my dad. I was ashamed of myself.

 “Calm my children,” Winter said but it wasn’t her voice, “This will end shortly.”

 With that Winter disappeared in a flash of light.

 “What the fuck?” exclaimed Jenny, “Why would our Goddess choose that Dud Blood? She should of choose me!”

 A growl escaped my lips.

 “Shut up!” Zeke and I said at the same time.

 We glowered at each other. People gave us strange looks.

 “Zeke, what do you care?” Jenny said, “And Shane surely doesn’t care about her.”

 “She’s my mate,” I said, “So don’t say a word about her.” I glared at Jenny.

“Oh Goddess, that’s just sickening!” She cried out.

 “Shut up Jenny!” Gage said.

 Ethan gave her a death glare, “Winter is obviously better than any of us, we were just to ignorant and judgmental to realize it.”

 The other students piqued in their agreements.

 I turned to Zeke and asked, “What’s up with you? She’s your sister why would you want her that way?”

 Zeke’s face transformed to confused, “What?” he asked.

 “Why were you trying to bite her at the banquet? It looked like you were trying to mark her as yours.” I accused.

 “That’s just gross.” He said with a sickened look, “I was trying to give her what she wanted, to be like the rest of us. I was trying to figure out how to do it for the past three months. A shaman told me that there was a blue moon that night, and since I wasn’t an Alpha; that was the only time my bite would turn her.”

 Zeke sighed, “I was trying to make it up to her; for being an ass to her for so long.”

 The room fell silent and we could still hear the blood curtailing screams echoing around the building. We all stayed silent for a moment.

 “We need to get out of here.” Zeke said.

 I nodded in agreement, “Zeke take Gage and Ethan out into the hallway and make sure it’s safe for girls and the freshman. It’s too far a drop from here to the ground for us to go out the window.”

 Zeke nodded and motioned for Gage and Ethan to follow him. A few minutes later Ethan motioned for us to follow him.


I was on top of the town hall and I could see the bloodshed in every direction.

 “It’s alright, Winter,” Selene said in my head, “When the clock strikes noon it’ll be over.”

 I wanted to cry as I saw human and wolves alike lied lifeless in the streets. This was just too much.

 “Winter, you will be rewarded for your good deed today, and soon you will be happy.”

 I hoped so. The clock chimed noon and Selene raised my arms over my head as she said something in a language I didn’t recognize. She lowered my hands and cupped in them was a ball of silver light. She blew into my hands and the ball broke into smaller balls that flew at incredible speeds. Each ball that connected to a Dark One, the creatures fell to the ground.

 “Zeus made a mistake by cursing these pour children.” Selene sighed and looked skyward as the small balls spun like a tornado above my head.

With an earsplitting boom the light imploded on itself. Selene looked down at the town and I could see Shane, my brother, and others cover their ears.

 Suddenly I was in front of Shane. He and the others fell to their knees.

 “My children,” Selene said, “My work hear is done.”

 Shane looked up with a sad look in his eyes, “Goddess Selene, what will happen to my mate; what will happen to Winter?”

 “Child, she shall be fine,” Selene said moving the stray hair in Shane’s artic eyes.

  Shane closed his eyes.

 “If she decides to stay then she can, but for now Zeus wants to see her. He has an offer for her that he has only given to one other mortal.”

 And with that we were gone.

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