Chapter 2: Artic Eyes

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Tonight I had to go with Father to Alpha’s banquet for Shane. Of course I didn’t want to go. As I got ready Zeke barged into my room.

 “Why were you at Shane’s?” he asked.

 I spared a glance at him but didn’t answer. I figured that would be better than telling the truth; that Shane most likely saved my life from the rapids of the Nolichucky River.

 He grabbed me by my hair and made me look in his cold brown eyes. They were so dark they were almost black. Tears threatened to pour from my eyes.

 “You know if I didn’t know better that Shane was fucking you all night.” He whispered harshly. He buried his face in my hair and took a deep breath.

 “What are you-“ I began.

 “Shut up!” he demanded.

 “Father,” I exclaimed.

 Zeke threw me across my room and I hit my head against my bed side table.

 “Stupid Dud Blood.” He said walking out of my room.

I pressed my fist to my mouth to muffle my sobs. I hated this so badly, but I shook off my pain and finished getting ready.

 I walked down the stairs ignoring the pictures of mom.

 “Winter,” Father said, “we need to talk.”

 I looked up at him, he looked worn. He had aged after mom died from the stress of losing her.

 “Okay.” I said as he led me into his study.

 I sat down as he shut the door behind us.

 “I wanted to let you know that I’m sorry.” he said.

 I looked at my hands not saying anything.

 “And,” he continued, “that I love you even though you’re not my blood daughter and Zeke..”

 I looked at him confused.

 “Zeke isn’t your blood brother and I think he has a weird obsession with you.”

 “What do you mean Father?” I asked.

 “I mean that Zeke doesn’t know you’re not his sister.” Father looked at his watch, “We need to get going.”

 We stood from the leather couch and he hugged me for the first time in two years and we left to get in his black Mercedes.

-Unknown POV-

 “So if she’s bit by a wolf tonight she’ll become like us?” I asked.

 The old shaman sat across from me.

 “Yes, it’s a blue moon,” he said, “so tonight’s the night to do it since you’re not an Alpha.”

 I stood and went to my car, I was over thirty minutes late for the banquet.


 I sat on the far side of the dining hall as I watched people ballroom dance. The music ended and the dancers bowed to each other.

 “Hello, my guests!” Alpha’s voice greeted echoing around the room, “It’s midnight and I think it’s time to free our wolves don’t you think?”

 The crowd cheered as they followed Alpha out the doors into the night.

 I sighed and took out my book I’d been reading on. Tonight Shane would find a mate and make her his under our Goddess’ light. That would be something I would never experience; I would be stuck virtually human; be stuck an outcast. The lights cut out and I sighed putting my book back in my bag. My mind went to what Father said. How in the hell did Zeke have an obsession with me? It was gross! He was my brother even if we weren’t blood related. And then my mind turned to Shane. I’d been crushing on him for a long time; since we were pups, well since he was a pup. His raven black hair shining in the sun light and his smile filled my mind.

 I knew I just liked him because he was nice to me and that he would never be mine. I wondered why he would save me; he knew that my being in the pack made it rank lower compared to others. He should of let me die, but I couldn’t help imagine him holding me to him under the stars under the soft glow of the moon kissing me softly. It sounded like a fairy tell, and I knew it would never happen to me. Right now he was probably with his mate. I smiled sadly at my stupid teenage fantasies.

 There was a soft rustling behind me and I slowly turned toward the noise. There behind me was a large gray and black wolf. I froze terrified. The wolf obviously male , stalked toward me making me wince. The wolf bared  his teeth which glistened in the moonlight coming from the big arch windows of the entry hall.

I screamed and ran toward the exit at full speed. He howled behind me and I heard the fast approaching sound of paws.

 “Help!” I screamed. Please great goddesses Selene, please help me!

 I tripped and fell; catching myself. I screamed as a sharp pain shot from my wrist up my arm. I rolled onto my back; trying to get back up but was pinned down by the wolf. His eyes were a deep black and cold. His maws were pulled back into what I imagined a cruel smirk that said, “I got you.”

I closed my eyes waiting for him to finish me off. Suddenly his weight was gone and there were snarls and growls and the sound of snapping maws. I kept my eyes closed; tears streaking down my face. I didn’t think that the hatred that people had for me was so strong. I sob bubbled out between my quivering lips.

 There was a yelp and the sound of paws scrambling across the hard marble floor of the banquet hall. It grew quiet and there was a soft whimpering close to my ear. I opened my eyes and was met by artic blue eyes so intense compared to the raven black fur surrounding them. This wolf was obviously male also. He rubbed his muzzle against my cheek.

 “Thank you.” I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck.

 He pulled away and ran at incredible speed into the night.

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