2 - Comeback?

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The girls followed YG down the hallway until they arrived at some sofas. He then motioned for them to sit.

All four girls could feel their hearts beating out of their chest as they waited for him to speak.

"So.. I've been thinking about doing this for you for a while now.." He began. "I want you to film a BLACKPINK TV."

Inside the members of BLACKPINK were disappointed. They had gone on a hiatus for 8 months before releasing 'As If It's Your Last' and they didn't want to go on a long one again. Although it had only been one and a half months since they released that single, they knew that at the end of the month they would be releasing the japanese version of their songs, which meant any comeback within four months of their previous one was out of reach anyway. Still they hoped that they would have at least one more comeback in 2017.

The girls made sure not to show their feelings in their faces to hide their frustration from YG. Even though he was unaware, they all knew what they were really thinking and feeling despite showing fake smiles and nods. Somehow they came to an unsaid agreement that they would react positively to whatever he said next.

"It won't be a regular BLACKPINK TV.. We're building a house for you to live in while you film. It's a pink house - you'll like in a princess-like pink house."

They didn't even have to pretend that much, it's true they were all excited to get out of their dorm. They love their dorm, they are really nice and they know they are lucky to all have their own rooms and live in such a nice dorm, but they hate it at the same time. They spend way to much time at home doing nothing and the dorm began to remind them of the fact that they were not releasing any new content for the fans.

YG finished explaining to them about the BLACKPINK TV, which he has decided to actually call BLACKPINK HOUSE, and then they were free to leave.

The members decided to eat lunch in their dorm instead of going out before having to prepare for the Pink Theatre fan meeting that was going to take place that evening.

The car ride back to their dorm was silent, nobody wanted to talk about it. Once they had arrived home they began preparing kimchi fried rice together, a dish that they all love.

When they finished cooking, they sat around the table in their usual spots: Jennie and Lisa on one side and Jisoo and Chaeyoung on the other.

Jisoo finally broke the silence. "Girls, it's okay.. We'll get a comeback eventually.. At least the fans will have something to look forward to every week while they wait for us."

"You're right," Chaeyoung noted, "I was just hoping for one soon, you know?"

"Yeah, me too.." Lisa replied, "It just kind of sucks.. but.. I guess Jisoo's right.. At least this time the fans will have something while they wait. I just hope it won't be as long as the last hiatus."

"Exactly!" Jisoo optimistically proclaimed, "and I think living in the house will be super fun as well.. Plus he promised us a trip somewhere! We can look forward to that."

While Jisoo was just as disappointed as the others, as the oldest she felt the responsibility to cheer up the group and keep them encouraged. It seemed to have worked for Lisa and Chaeyoung as they were nodding in agreement and were back to enjoying their food. Jennie however remained silent throughout the whole conversation. She was happy there was something for the fans, but she knew it wasn't going to be enough and that it couldn't compare to an album being released. She couldn't help but feel disappointed, sad and angry at the same time.

The members then switched the topic and began to talk about the fan meeting. Lisa noticed Jennie had no spoken at all. She tapped her on the shoulder while Jisoo and Chaeyoung were deep in conversation and whispered, "Are you okay?"

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