3 - Let's take a shot

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Jennie and Lisa's hands remained intertwined up until they stood right in front of the convenience store. Neither of them had thought about it too much and only realized they were still holding hands when a teenage girl walked out of the store and began to stare at them. Slowly Jennie pulled her hand away from Lisa's and brought it close to her chest. Lisa was startled at the sudden movement and looked at Jennie for an explanation. Jennie was still holding her hand to her chest while now carefully watching the teenage girl walk across the street.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked watching Jennie's eyes follow the young girls movements, "Unnie, why are you staring at that girl?"

"What?" Jennie muttered, focusing on Lisa after realizing she had been intensely eyeing the stranger.

"The teenager.. Why were you staring at her like that?"

Lisa wasn't jealous. She realized after she spoke that perhaps it might come off that way - but she was genuinely curious why Jennie was staring at this random girl. And why she had let go of Lisa's hand in the process.

"It's nothing.." Jennie began, "Let's just get the alcohol quickly and get drunk fast.."

Jennie reached for the door and ushered Lisa inside. Lisa was confused. Did Jennie know that girl? Who was she? But she could tell Jennie wasn't going to tell her anymore than she already had, so she let it go.

"What should we get?" Jennie's voice broke Lisa's train of thought and she realized Jennie had led her in front of the fridge filled with alcohol.

"Uh.. I'm not sure? I've never really drank before.."

"Well.. me either.. I've tried a little when I still lived in New Zealand when I was with friends, but I mean.. that was years ago."

"Should we get some wine then? I feel like normal girls our age should know what wine tastes like.."

"Normal girls our age probably know what plenty of different types of alcohol taste like.. they don't have stupid rules to follow remember?"

Lisa laughed at the older girls sarcasm, "Yeah I know.. Let's get some vodka too then, so we can be like 'normal girls our age' then!"

Jennie grabbed a bottle of white wine and two of the small bottles of vodka. The duo walked over to the counter paid for the alcohol and were about to leave when the cashier looked at them suspiciously.

"Yah! Aren't you guys from Blackpink?"

Before Jennie could think of a response Lisa grabbed her arm and the bag with the drinks and said, "Ha no! We get that a lot though.. Have a nice night!"

Once they had cross the street and were walking towards their building Jennie stopped and asked Lisa, "Why did you say that? Obviously he's going to know it's us, we go to that convenience store all the time!"

"Yeah, but we hardly ever go between 2AM and 6AM, and that's when that guys shift is.. He'll probably never see us again, he'll never know! Besides, we couldn't risk being recognized buying alcohol or someone would for sure find out!"

"How did you know his shift is from 2AM to 5AM?" Jennie asked curiously.

"The timetable was behind him on the wall.. I read it once I realized I didn't recognize him - I usually always recognize the workers in that store."

Jennie let out a quiet, "Ahh" before opening the door to their building for Lisa.


Lisa and Jennie quietly snuck back into their dorm to not wake up Jisoo and Chaeyoung. As they were walking towards the living room (which is the same direction as both of their bedrooms), Lisa whispered, "Should we maybe do this in one of our rooms?"

Jennie almost choked on her own saliva after hearing those words. Was Lisa intending to sound as sexual as she came across? Jennie was not sure why Lisa all of a sudden was being so direct with her, it was something that had caught her off guard.

"Wh-What?" Is all that could manage to escape Jennie's lips.

"Should we drink in one of our rooms?" Lisa clarified, "To not wake up Jisoo?" (Jisoo's room is right next to the living room)

In that moment Lisa came to the realization that maybe Jennie thought she was insisting for them to go to a bedroom for another reason. Suddenly Lisa felt her cheeks getting red at that same not so innocent thought Jennie was having as well.

Jennie managed to put the thought aside when she remembered they were still standing in the middle of the hallway. "Yeah, let's go to my room - go and I'll meet you there. I'll just get us some glasses from the kitchen first."

Lisa obliged and went straight for Jennie's room. There she took the bottles of alcohol they had bought out of the bag and places them on Jennie's desk. She sat on the bed and looked around the room while waiting for the older girl to arrive. Jennie's room was not very messy, but she had a few items of clothing hanging here and there off of some furniture. 

Lisa's eyes widened as she focused on a small piece of lace fabric hanging out of one of the drawers in the bedroom. She tried to look away and not think of it, but the more she did the more she could feel her heart beginning to race at the thought of Jennie in the thin black thong.

"Hey sorry I just had to-" Jennie stopped as she caught Lisa quickly standing up while completely avoiding eye contact with her. Jennie looked around the room as to try to figure out what had Lisa acting weird. She was confused until she spotted the black laced fabric she had bought earlier that week hanging outside her drawer.

"Ohhh.. sorry.. I- I should have cleaned my room a bit first." Jennie mumbled stuffing the underwear in the drawer and closing it.

"No no no it's okay." Lisa reassured.

The room fell silent and there was a tension between the two that they could not explain.

"Here let's take a shot.." Jennie suggested breaking the silence.

Both girls drank half of their mini vodka bottles and shrieked at the burning in their throats. Jennie quickly handed Lisa some water that she had brought from the kitchen before gulping down a generous amount herself. Lisa insisted they each finish the small bottles. She told Jennie it was 'for the experience', but in reality she wanted the awkwardness of what just happened to go away. After that they opened the bottle of wine and slowly began drinking while talking about some tv shows they had been watching on Netflix lately.

Both girls were not experienced drinkers and came to realize later that it was probably not the best idea to drink all the alcohol they had bought in under 20 minutes. The duo was now obviously drunk and had moved from talking sitting up, where Lisa sat on Jennie's bed and Jennie on her chair, to both of them lying down facing each other on the bed. Their conversation about Netflix and other non-deep things had faded out and they were now just lying in bed staring in each others eyes.

"I didn't know you had that kind of underwear.." Lisa muttered louder than she intended.

Jennie hid her face in her hands from embarrassment. "I don't know why I bought them.. I wanted to look sexy.."

Lisa took Jennie's hands and pulled them away from her face to be able to look at her clearly, "You are sexy unnie. With or without that underwear.. You definitely are sexy already."

Lisa let go of Jennie's hands and moved her body to face the ceiling of the room.

"Yeah, sexy. Sexy for sure.. No question there." Lisa babbled seemingly forgetting Jennie was right there, "really sexy.."


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