4 - I know

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While Lisa kept muttering on and on about how attractive, or more specifically how sexy she thought Jennie was, the latter was finding it hard to process what she was hearing. She remained on her bed facing Lisa in silence for 5 minutes while she was sure that the other had forgotten she was even there.

"Umm, Lisa?" Jennie finally interrupted Lisa's nonstop monolog about Jennie's body.

The younger girl had the largest beaming smile on her face as she was still going on about Jennie's looks, but then turned her body to face the brunette a few seconds later.

"Yeah?" Lisa asked seemingly forgetting she had just been talking so openly about Jennie right in front of her.

Jennie just looked at the younger girl and realized she didn't know what to say. She had only interrupted her because she was getting so embarrassed hearing Lisa complement her so persistently on a matter she is insecure about.

Jennie does think she is pretty in comparison to the average person. She wouldn't say she's extremely attractive or anything, but she definitely would agree that she is a pretty girl. But one thing she has become more and more insecure about is her body. She knows she isn't fat, but since debuting with the other three girls - it has become obvious to her that she has the most curves out of the four of them. It's not that she didn't feel pretty, it's just that she didn't feel sexy. She wanted to feel sexy and that's the only reason she bought that lace thong. In Jennie's mind it would help her feel more confident when she wanted to feel sexy.

"Jennie?" Lisa called now being the one to interrupt Jennie's thoughts.

Jennie hummed in response as she and Lisa began to intensely look at each other again.

"I'm so happy I have you in my life Unnie."

Lisa observed Jennie's lips as she spoke and saw how they slowly formed into the gummy smile that Lisa loves. "Come here." Lisa continued as she softly grabbed Jennie and pulled her closer. "Can I stay in your room tonight?"

Jennie slowly nodded her head as her and Lisa's faces were only inches apart.

Now in silence again they were staring in each others eyes, their faces moving closer and closer. Neither of them broke the eye contact until their faces were right in front of each other and Lisa tried to glanced down to Jennie's lips. She couldn't see them though because they were now so close that both of their noses were in the way.

Jennie exhaled slowly as she watched Lisa do this, she realized she was extremely nervous. At the same time, Lisa felt goosebumps form along her whole body as she felt that same breath escape Jennie's lips at nominal distance from her own.

"Jen-" Lisa felt their lips connect before she could finish whispering the older girls name. She felt Jennie's soft lips on her own and a warm feeling immediately rushed through her entire body.

Lisa kissed her back - slowly and softly. Both girls could taste the alcohol on the other, but they didn't care. After a few seconds of sharing their tender first kiss, they pulled away to catch their breaths. Jennie opened her eyes and witnessed Lisa's next actions. Lisa's eyes were still closed as she brought her hand up to her face and gently placed her fingers on her lips. The gesture offered the orange haired girl a sense of confirmation that they had indeed kissed and it was not just in her head. Lisa's lips slowly formed into a smile once she realized that she wasn't dreaming.

Jennie gently reached for Lisa's hand and brought it to her own lips, causing Lisa to open her eyes to see what was going to happen. Jennie began to delicately give kisses to Lisas hand, all over her fingers and along her palm and wrist. "It's real." She said in between kisses, "We kissed." She added as she placed Lisas hand between their faces on the bed, still holding on to it, reverting her eyes back to Lisas.

"I know." Lisa responded using her hand to turn Jennie around and bring her closer. They were now spooning with Lisa holding one hand tightly around the others waist in front of her. She used her other hand to move some of Jennie's hair to be able to see her neck clearly.

"I know." Lisa repeated as she gently leaned forward to place a kiss on Jennie's neck.

"We kissed." She continued as she gave her neck one last kiss.

"Finally." She finished, leaning back down to the bed as she could feel Jennie uncontrollably beaming in front of her.

Lisa reached down for Jennie's blanket and covered the two of them tightly holding on to Jennie.

"Goodnight." The brunette whispered before both girls dozed off to sleep.


Sorry for the late update I've been super busy lately.. but I'll update more regularly from now on!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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