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Silence is the loudest at the moment. It's that kind of silence that makes you wonder since when the clock ticking is so loud. The couple are facing each other as they sit on the dining table in the kitchen. Food is displayed in front of them and they're just eating silently. Well, not until Taehyung decided to break it.

"So how was your day Jimin?" He asked before gulping down the water in a way of distraction, so that she doesn't feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Oh, i-it was fine. The ajumma was here right after you went to work. She helped me with a lot of things. And s-she m-made us dinner." She mumbled looking down at her bowl in embarrassment. She was embarrassed by the fact that she can't cook.

"That woman is the kindest ever. She looked after me when I was little and when I moved to Seoul years ago, she left everything behind and came with me. Do you know what I call her?" His brows shoot up in emphasis as he waits for her response.

"What?" Jimin tilted her head to the side.

"Ommoni." He gave her a full cheeky smile. "She's really like a second mother to me. I love her a lot."

"Well, she seemed so kind." Jimin nodded in agreement.

As for yesterday, they spent the whole night each one of them in a room. Jimin was playing with chim chim and cuddling with him, but without slipping into little space because she's not ready yet for that now. Meanwhile Taehyung was just laying there, thinking of how fast his life changed in a matter of a few days.

Right now, he only wants to enjoy her company so he wanted to keep the conversation going between the two of them, in order to make her more and more comfortable with him.

"By the way, you didn't tell me.." He trailed off asking for her attention and she looked up at him, silently waiting for him to continue. "How did you find the Bangtan boys?" He asks and watches as the corners of her lips turn up at the mention of them.

"Well.. They're weird." She started and he chuckles.

"Absolutely. Can't even disagree with you." He nods, eyes dancing with amusement.

"But they seem nice a-and kind." She continues and he nods.



Have you ever tasted something so sweet, but you felt like it's still missing something special?
Well that's the case for Jimin and Taehyung.

They've been married for two weeks now. They would have breakfast together every morning. Taehyung would go to work and Jimin would stay home either watching tv in the living room, staying with the new ajumma in the kitchen, or just closing the door on herself pretending sleep.

Through all of this time Jimin never tried to slip into little space. Even though she felt like it sometimes but she would force herself out of it again.
It's one of the hardest things for someone who've been little for years now. The struggle would sometimes be visible on her and it made Taehyung worry a lot about her. Even though he asked her to feel free to slip whenever she wants, yet she never wanted. She's never came out as little in front of anyone before, because she's too insecure about it and she feels like it's embarrassing.

Taehyung even tried to force her into little space severe times, but failed each time. She's been hiding it for years now.


To say that Jimin is in love with her room is an understatement. The white walls that contain a line of pink roses in the middle. The light pink curtains. The flowery mattresses and even her white little desk in the corner of the room with the pink swivel chair that she roams around the room with it whenever she's bored.

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