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Another morning. Another day off.

Taehyung thought to himself the sooner his eyes flew open. He made sure not to set the alarm clock so that he has enough sleep and wakes up whenever he wants.

After showering and doing his morning rituals, he glances over the alarm clock again.

08:35 am

He sighs at the thought of waking up early despite the fact that it's a day off work.

"Maybe I should just wake her up." He mumbled. It became his habit to wake his wife up whether he has work for the day or not. They always have breakfast together anyways.

However, when he reached her room, he found the door slightly open, so he called her softly twice, before figuring out she wasn't there.

As he made his way down the stairs, he found her sitting cross-legged on top of the sofa, facing her laptop that is on top of the coffee table, with a bright smile stretched across her pale face.

"Since when you've been awake?" He asks, blinking, pretty much confused.

"Oh, morning." She finally acknowledges him as she looks up from the screen to actually smile at him. To which Taehyung smiles back nodding, still confused though. "I don't know, like... Three hours ago or so?" She tilts her head adorably.

Taehyung lets out a soft, genuine gasp, remembering that they slept after midnight last night.

"Did you ever sleep?"

"I don't know honestly." Jimin shrugs not bothering to suppress the same weird smile she has on. Which made Taehyung genuinely wonder, what kept her up and what is behind her sudden excitement and happiness.

"Jimin, is everything alright though?" He questions, a concerned look coating on his still tired face. Though his tiredness seems nothing compared to those dark circles he noticed under her shiny eyes.

"Of course." She assures, smiling. "I was just stressed over my results."

"Results?" He blinks. Immediately facepalming himself as he remembered that it must be about her studies. Of course. What else would she sit on her laptop for? He also remembers Jungkook telling him that his graduation is coming soon. But....
This soon?

His eyes dart to hers and she nods once. So he presses. "Aaaand?"

Her smile got a bit wider, almost taking his breath away, before sucking in a sharp breath and letting out. "I'm graduating."

She didn't even blink once before she felt someone attacking her in a tight, warm, huge hug. Taehyung's mind went into action mode before realizing what he's even doing in the first place. On the other hand, Jimin didn't seem to mind, she felt warm, so warm engulfed by him. She needed it. No one actually cared before if she succeeded or not. Her parents would just throw out a 'I knew you would make it anyway'. And that wasn't what she needed. Jimin's heartbeat raced like crazy as she hugged him back, shrugging everything off at the moment, feeling nothing but grateful, to maybe have this kindhearted weirdo in her life.

"I'm so proud of you Jimin." He breathes out contently before pulling back. "You know that?" He said, eyes staring intently in her own.

Jimin felt like her heart is going to burst as she nods as a response, not finding any words to say.

"Let's celebrate!" He screams suddenly surprising her by taking her wrist and running towards the stairs.


"Yes! Because why not?"


"No buts! This day is important so you need to be happy and have fun. Not that I mean you don't deserve to be happy on other days but-"

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