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(Triggering content)
"Hay baby boy." Dominic said as he walked out of the studio and kissed Taehyungs cheek. Taehyung as always blushed at the new nickname. "Baby boy?" He asked softly. "Yeah, your sweet and sensitive just like a baby boy. Your okay with the new nick name, right?" Taehyung loved how Dominic always took him into consideration. He nodded. "I like it." "Okay. Let's go so I can treat my baby boy." Dominic grinned as he took Taehyungs hand.

"Have you guys had any luck at the Demi god camps?" Namjoon asked sitting in the abandoned temple with everyone except Taehyung who was currently on a date. "We only found one." Hoseok said as Jin laid a photo down. "Her name is Susana. She is the daughter of Iris."

"Jungkook found the other one. Apparently she is a student at the school I have been thinking of going to." Yoongi said showing the yearbook picture. "How about Hoseok and Jin keep an eye on Susana and Yoongi and Jungkook keep an eye on Farryan. That means that you have to audition for the school, Yoongi." Namjoon threw a plan together. The boys in question nodded and took off while Namjoon texted Haya.

"There is she." Hoseok said barely holding his excitement. Jin just rolled his eyes at the younger but none the less follows him to where Susana is standing.

"Susana look, the boys from yesterday are here again." Helena, Susana's half sister said pointing at Hoseok at Jin.

"Hi, your Susana right?" Hoseok asked. "Who is asking?" "My name is Hoseok and this is Jin." Jin gave Susana a smile and a small wave. "Why would you be looking for me?" Susana asked. "Rumor has it that you two are full Gods." "Well it's of a long story." "Well I have skittles so let's go to my cabin."

They explained everything to her. "Okay so your saying that I'm in danger and your here to protect me?" The boy's gave each other a look before answering. "Yeah pretty much." "Okay. I'm going to practice with bow and arrow. If you want to tag along I don't mind."

"Are you nervous?" Jungkook asked Yoongi as he got ready to audition. "A bit." Jungkook pecked his lips. "Don't be your an amazing pianist. Besides think of this positively. We're on a mission which gives you an excuse to get into your dream school." "Yeah." Yoongi said nervously while trying to calm his nerves. "Hey, babe look me in the eye. Your going to do great." Jungkook said and connected their lips again but for a bit longer this time.

"Mr. Min." A woman called. "Good luck." Jungkook said pecking him one last time before Yoongi entered the audition room.

"And?" Jungkook asked as his boyfriend came out of the room. "I went well. They will call me later to say if I made it true." "Okay let's go. You promised we would tell everyone today." "Do we really have too?" Yoongi wined wanting to sleep. "You can sleep after we tell my parents." Jungkook said smiling at the older. "Carry me you muscle pig." "Okay. Jump on my back." Jungkook crouched down. As soon as Yoongi sat on his back he nuzzled his face into Jungkook neck. "I like your scent." Yoongi muttered making Jungkook chuckle.

"Mom? Dad?" Jungkook asked as he walked into the living room. He looked at his parents sighing in relief that his mom was in a good mood. "I want you I meet someone very important to me. This is Yoongi, my boyfriend." As soon as he finished that sentence he felt a sting on his cheek. "Mom." He whispered broken while blinking tears away. His mom had just slapped him across his face. He looked up to her. Her eyes were burning with anger. "Get out. You have an hour to get your stuff. I don't want a fag under my roof." His mom spat.

Just as she was lifting her hand to hit him again Yoongi grabbed her hand. "Miss Jeon don't you dare hit him ever again. This boy is your son which you took in out of your own choice. You raised him to became the person he now is. He has done nothing wrong. He always looked up to you and your husband. Always wanting to make you proud. Now he came to you with something he was scared of telling you and which means a lot to him. If your going to hit him because of that I don't want him under your roof either." Yoongi said with a cold stare. If looks could kill miss Jeon would be blown to pieces.

Yoongi shifted his expressions as he turned to his boyfriend. "Come on Kookie we have lot to do in an hour." He said taking the boy to his room.

When they entered the room Jungkook let his tears fall. "What am I supposed to do now?" He sobbed. Yoongi embraced the boy. "Your going to stay with me while we figure this out. Together. How about we go now and let Hermes bring your stuff to my place." Jungkook just nodded into his boyfriends chest.

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