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"Eric, as in the war guy." Susana asked a bit shook when Hoseok nodded. "He wasn't always the guy he now is. Believe it or not he was pretty much all rainbows and sunshine and I was the complete opposite. I almost never smiled. I was really effected by how my father managed to be so self centered or to busy with creating art to care for me. I was jealous of how he had two parents who seemed to love him. And it began to irritate me how happy he always seemed." "Wait a second. Didn't you have a mother?" Susana asked trying to wrap her brain around the story. "Yeah. She is one of the lower Goddess but I don't know which one. My dad won't tell." "Oh, well continue the story." "One day I had an argument with my dad. I was so angry that he wouldn't listen to me and when I tried to get his attention he just got angry. I went to Eric and he had that annoying smile on his face. All I wanted to do was wipe that smile off his face. I held myself in from doing anything physical to him but my mood only got worse and we got into a argument. All I know is that my mind went blank and when I could properly think again my hands were under blood and I was being dragged away by some other friends. I swore after that to find a way to control my anger after that. It hadn't only scared them but also me. Lucky for me our wound heal a lot faster than human ones but emotionally we both were scarred. He didn't want too be in the same room with me and soon after that he just vanished from our friend groups. Turns his parents decide to make him a lot tougher by teaching him the kind of war technique's and how to cause problems for others too defend himself from anymore harm." Hoseok finished his story with a sigh. "Now you got to sleep. Stop fighting it just to listen to me. Thanks for that tough it help." He kissed her forehead and put her to bed. "Good night."

Susana soon fell asleep with a warm feeling inside of her.

"Helena, I don't know what to do." Susana wines rolling on her bed while Helena sat at a desk not far away. "Sana, you have been basically confessing that you like him for the past hour and isn't even the first time. Just take him on a date or something. It's the 21st century it's more than acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out." "Your not helping Lena." Susana whined. "What do you mean not helping?" Helena spluttered. "I let you know I just gave you the best advice your going to get. So just get your lazy bum of that bed and go ask him out." She commanded. Susana shot up from the bed. "Fine but I'm going to take a shower first. I stink." "What do you expect after playing real live stratego (don't know what the game is called in English) with real weapons." Helena chuckled.

Jimin sat silently crying at the edge of a river. He always did this when he beat up Taehyung. He couldn't face the fact that he was the one hurting his baby brother both physically and mentally. So he would just cry it out and push it down like it never happened. But this time it was different. He couldn't stop crying for about 2 days. The bad feelings just remained. It was getting too much for him and he was feeling more and more depressed. His friends would normally cheer him up with their antics but they basically casted him out. He couldn't return until he had figured this out.

"Hi Jimin." Sophie's voice came from behind him. "Why are you crying?" "I messed up. So fucking bad. I tried to deny for so long that I have a problem but it only got worse when I accepted it." He sobbed. "Tell me your problem. I will try to help you." Sophie said with a smile. Jimin shook his head. "I wouldn't want to hurt you too and myself more in the process. Please just leave me to figure this out. I have caused more than enough damage." She grabbed his hand and looked him straight in the eye. "Jimin, you help me so much with my self confidence and self image that you probably saved my life before I could get worse. I'm not better but I'm getting there. I promise I will not run away if the problem seems too big or too scary. Jimin please let me help you."

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