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Text me when you're free

Hi, sorry I couldn't be there today
I had some issues with my dad

No problem but I missed you
I like your company more than I thought

I missed you too
It was so silent here
I will try coming tomorrow
if my dad lets me

I will be waiting for you

A day passed and Hoseok basically ran to Susana's cabin with a bright smile on his face. "Susana, I'm here!" He yelled into the seemingly empty cabin.

"Hoseok?" a voice asked behind him. Hoseok turned around. "Hi, Helena. Do you know where Susana is?" "She said she would wait here till you came." She said slightly confused. She could have sworn that Susana couldn't stop bouncing this morning because Hoseok was coming. Why would she be gone before he came? Helana walked further into the cabin and gasped. "What the hell happened here." The room was a complete mess. Of course, she knew that Susana wasn't the cleanest person when it came to her room but Helena had helped her clean up about an hour ago. Susana didn't want to meet Hoseok in a messy room so she cleaned up for once. "Why does it smell like a wolf? Has a wolf been here." Hoseok asked. "Wolf? No, why would a wolf... shit. I think Susana was taken. But not without a fight." Helena confessed as she looked at the mess.

"Sophie?" Jimin walked thru the house stumbling a bit. "Sophie?" He asked again with a weak voice. He had been searching for her but he hasn't had any luck yet but he was positive that she hadn't left the house.

The front door opened. "Jimin what are you doing out of bed when you can't even walk properly?" Sophie's sister asked as she just came from work, she had a short day today. "Searching for Sophie," Jimin answered trying hard not to puck. "Let me help you to bed and after I will search for her. Jimin nodded. He was pretty tired so a nap wouldn't hurt.

When Jimin woke up from his nap he felt much better and actually had the strength to walk. He stepped out of bed and took a quick shower. When he was done he grabbed some comfterble cloths.

He walked to the kitchen to eat something but frowned when he noticed how quiet it was. He instead made his way to Sophie's workroom hoping to find her there but the room was empty. He searched the whole house only to find a note from Sophie's sister that said she was called to work again and Sophie's room being trashed like there had been a fight. Jimin went into a slight panic. But he regained his composure and called her. After a few tries, he gave up and ran out the door going as fast he could to Taehyung's house.

"Jimin? What are you doing here? And why are you sweating? Did you sprit or something?" Taehyung asked when he opened the door and saw his brother. "Sophie *pant* gone." Jimin wheezed as he tried to catch his breath.

Taehyung brought his brother to the living room and gave him a glass of water. "Sophie is gone," Jimin said after he calmed down a bit. Just than Taehyungs phone rang. It was Hoseok.

"What's up Hobi? You're on speaker." Taehyung spoke.

"Susana disappeared. We think she was taken and it looks like it wasn't without a fight." Hoseok explain. "I think Eric is behind this."

"Sophie disappeared too and her room looked like there had been a fight," Jimin said not feeling nausea for once.

"Guys check if the others are still there. Helena, Jin and I are going to look for tracks." Hoseok said hanging up after the others agreed.

"Jungkook, call Yoongi and ask if Farryan was at school!" Taehyung yelled up the stairs while calling Namjoon.

"Hey, Namjoon do you know where Haya is?" Taehyung asked.

Namjoon sighed. "No, I have been waiting for more than an hour for her. Why do ask?"

Taehyung explained the situation and Namjoon hurried to Haya's dorm room. "Haya!" He yelled as he knocked on the door.

"Hello, hotty. Haya isn't here." Haya's roommate said as she answered. "When was the last time you saw her?" Haya's roommate looked to be deep in tough for a second. "About an hour ago she was talking about a date with you." "Shit," Namjoon cursed under his breath. "Thanks, but I need to go now," Namjoon said as he forced a smile. "Bye Namjoon."

"Hey Yoongels," Jungkook said true the phone.

"I said don't call me that," Yoongi grumbled on the other side.

"Why are you still pretending to hate it? Forget that. I called to ask if Farryan was at school today?"Jungkook went to the point.

"No, and it was an amazing day. Why are you asking tough?" Yoongi asked a bit confused. Jungkook explained the situation to his boyfriend. "Okay, Babe I will be there as soon as possible. Till then."

"Shit, Dominic won't pick up." Taehyung cursed holding of his tears. "Call his friend Elisha." Jungkook offered. "And please stop pacing." "Hey Elisha, Have you seen Dominic?" "No, okay thank you." "No, you don't need to worry he is just later than normal." "Okay bye."

"He's gone too." Taehyung sobbed.

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