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AN: CHECK OUT MY NEW ENOCH BOOK! CHAPTER ONE HAS BEEN POSTED AND CHAPTER TWO WILL BE OUT SOON! There will be LOS spoilers in this story, so if you didn't finish the series I strongly recommend AVOIDING  this story. Enjoy!
Also, warning, POV changes a lot.
Hugh's P.O.V

We won. The war was over. Nearly every wight dead and the few alive were scared shitless. Everyone began celebrating. But how? How could that be possible? How come everyone is so happy? Do they not notice? Do they not care? Fiona's gone. She's gone. When we got the news she fell off a cliff, everyone was upset. But, we won the battle and now it's like she's forgotten. I walk silently away from the commotion and started thinking.

They said she plunged to her death off the cliff. When I was there, I noticed the bottom of the cliff was a forest. Trees. Something Fiona could control and communicate with. What if.... what if she was caught by the trees and they set her down. Safely. Not dead. 100% alive. Maybe...

After an hour or so, we had to go bring Jacob back to the present. A tearful goodbye from Emma and we were on our way. For about a month Emma wrote back and forth with Jacob. Until one day he stopped answering. In a state of panic, Emma sold her would go check her email. Turns out Jacob's in trouble and with in minutes we were on our way to Florida. Once there, we went to his house. Long story short, his parents are in shock of some sort and whoever was sitting next to him they are sorta passed out right now.


It's been a month of living at Jacobs house. His parents have yet to grow accustomed to our presence, and his uncles are in therapy. I miss Fiona every day. I knew that even if somehow she was alive, I'd never see her again. She wasn't there when the loop collapsed, so she's stuck in a loop. I didn't want to even think about it. But it was time for supper, so I had to set my thoughts aside and appear fine.

Fiona's P.O.V

When I first woke up on the forest floor, I was confused. The last thing I remembered was falling from a cliff. I looked up and in between the trees I could make out the clifftop. Then it hit me. I fell after wights took Claire. I was running and had no other escape. I must've been caught by the trees.

Oh my bird. Hugh. The others. Are they ok? Were they captured? And Miss Peregrine. Is she ok? As everything cane rushing back, I realized I needed to find them. Then I remembered Addison and the other peculiar animals, do they know where they are?

I began trudging back up the mountain and by the time I reached the top, I realized no one was able to pull the pulley. So I made do with the few plants at the bottom and top and made a small ladder.

Once I reached the top, I found nothing. So I went into the house. Maybe there was some sort of map? Local loop entrances? I wasn't sure what I was looking for all I knew is I needed to find it.

Hugh's P.O.V

After supper, I took a shower and went to bed early. I didn't want to talk. I was in a bad mood. I randomly would start missing Fiona more than ever and it always put me in a bad mood.

I laid in bed thinking of her. I began thinking of when we would sneak out at night and go to the beach. Or the times we'd sleep together and have to scramble out of bed when other people started waking up. I missed her too much. Eventually, I fell into a restless sleep.

Fiona's P.O.V

I found a loop near by. It was July 17, 1898. The ymbryne was kind and despite my shyness and how quiet I was, she offered to help.

I soon learned that wights and hollows were all dead. Peculiarly were safe. And then I learned something terrible. The ymbryne and her wards whom all were in a loop when it collapsed, are now happily in the present, aging normally. And the ymbryne was Miss Peregrine.

Hugh was 16. Regular 16. Not just physically 16, but literally. He was aging normally. I was unable to. I'd never see him again. Unless by some miracle that the loop I was in collapsed, but it was highly unlikely.

Miss Peacock, whom was the ymbryne of the loop I was in, was going to somehow inform Miss Peregrine of my whereabouts. I really hope she wouldn't tell Hugh. As much as I want to see him again, it would be better for him to think I'm dead than for him to know I'm alive but unable to see me.

Hugh's P.O.V

An ymbryne visited Jacobs house today. Miss Peacock. I've never heard of her before, but whatever she came for, she only talked to Miss Peregrine and shooed us out. So we all sat in the living room, waiting until we were able to finally go back to what we were doing.

I only could think of the worse. Wights being spotted, newly raised loops, or the worse of all, Fiona being found, but not alive.

It was nearly an hour before we heard something. Millard. He apparently was listening in, or trying to listen into the conversation. But he said he was unable to make out most of the conversation. They were extremely quiet.

Sighing, I trudged up the stairs and into my room. Everyone else eventually made it up to, as the ymbrynes were carrying on the conversation for almost two hours now.

Fiona's P.O.V

It's been quite a few days since Miss Peacock has left. She said she'd be awhile, since peacocks aren't the best flyers. She left the eldest children in charge. It isn't as chaotic as my old loop when Miss Peregrine would leave. The children here behaved well. Perhaps too well. No one caused mischief. No one created messes. It was boring.

A boy, around my age, named Finley tried to "flirt" with me. He was telekinetic and had given me several flowers delivered through the air. I felt awful declining him. He seemed nice. But as far as I knew, well actually I'm not sure about Hugh and I.

Hugh's P.O.V

After nearly 3 hours of them talking, Miss Peacock left and Miss Peregrine conducted a meeting in the living room. Everyone sat in front of the Bird as she broke down everything.

"You all know the only way we are able to properly age is because we were in a loop when it collapsed." She started, and everyone nodded.

"And if you aren't in a loop when it collapsed, you are unable to age properly?" Everyone nodded again.

"Well, due to the fact Fiona wasn't in the loop with us when it collapsed, she is currently staying with Miss Peacock. Alive and well, but unable to live with us in the present due to the fact she wasn't in a collapsed loop." She finished. Everyone stayed quiet either in shock or pure disbelief.

Did I just hear what I thought I did? Fiona was alive? And fine? She wasn't dead?

"Fiona's alive?" I asked.

Oof part two will be soon! I hope you enjoyed my Fugh fanfiction. This is sorta how I hope things work out in the next trilogy. I actually don't care as long as Fiona is alive. But I have to wait until October 2nd to know for sure.

Very Peculiarly Yours,
                       Mrs. Nullings

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