"Hey, chill" Victor x Ellie (requested)

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AN: This is a one shot for the amazing @Zacharys1babygirl sorry it took so long, enjoy though!
The night was cold and my sleeping bag was warm. Victors arms were protectively wrapped around me. He would move suddenly due to the electric current running through my body. It never harmed him, it was similar to touching a metal doorknob after walking around in socks on carpet. Completely harmless when controlled. I was completely exhausted. It was a busy day. Hiking to the camping spot. Setting up camp. And then we (meaning Victor, Enoch, Millard, and I) played games such as tag (Why on earth is Victor so damn fast?!) and hide-n-go-seek (which Millard most definitely cheats at) but once it came time to sleep, I was ready. Granted, out little camping trips were fun in all, but they were extremely tiring. And I've never been one to cope well with little sleep. And I don't mean crabby, but instead, I can not stay awake. So sleep is crucial for for to get enough of. If I got any less than 9 hours, I'd be falling asleep throughout the day. It actually was quite annoying.

That night, I fell asleep around midnight. I was told it was to be an early morning. Seven in the morning, actually. Which meant only seven hours of sleep. Damn it. I was going to be spending more time asleep than awake tomorrow. By the time morning came, everyone was up. Well almost everyone. I still was sound asleep in the tent.

"Ellie, wake up." Victor called from outside the tent. "It's time to get going." I was completely oblivious to that whole thing until-

"ELLIE GET YOUR LAZY LITTLE ASS OUTA BED, WE HAVTA GO!" It was Enoch, and damn was that son of a bitch loud. I sat up quickly and saw Enoch being told off by Victor for being so rude. I slowly began to drift off until a snapping sound in front of me woke me again.

"Ellie, come on. It's time to leave." It was Millard. I nodded and slowly stood up. I slowly walked out of the tent and helped pack up. I never liked the fact that the bird only allowed us one night per trip. We never got to do anything fun. But I guess you take what your given. As we packed up, I found myself lazily closing my eyes. I nearly fell over several times as well. Once everything was packed up, we hiked back to where our carriage was. Yes. For these camping trips, we snag a horse and buggy from the village. But only because we camp on the other side of the island.

On the way back to the house I kept drifting off. Victor always insisted on driving the buggy. Which then left Enoch, Millard, and I to sit in the back. I generally sat next to Enoch, Millard sitting across from us, due to the fact Enoch and him had a strong hate relationship. Today was no different. They bickered and argued the whole entire ride. I was extremely tired, though, which meant I drifted off way more than once or twice. I never stayed asleep long, though. Because when I fell asleep, my head would usually rest on Enoch's shoulder. He always jumped when this happened, the electricity in my body transferred over to him. But that's when the arguing subsided because they didn't want to wake me. It when I fell asleep, Victor would be pissed I was laying on Enoch. Which earned a few unnecessarily hit bumps or loud coughs from the driver. But that still didn't stop me from falling asleep, and eventually I got use to the bumps and coughs, so I stayed asleep during my jealous boyfriends attempts to wake me. As I slept, I stayed unaware of the argument going in right next to me.

"Victor! Shut the fuck up! She is just sleeping! On my shoulder! Not doing nothin harmful!" Enoch said to Victor.

"But she is still my girlfriend and I don't want you touching her! She is mine!" Victor responded definitely.

"Ya act like she is some toy ya stay in possession of. She is a girl! Ya can't just act as though she's yours. She can do what ever she wants." Enoch responded.

"I knew you were trying to take her! Now wake her up and tell her to move!"

"Victor, I'm not tryna steal her. I got someone already. Just let the damn girl sleep!"

"I'd really like to know who the fuck is dating you. Cause I'm going to go to the house and tell em that you let Ellie sleep in you." Victor said.

"She is just sleeping! She's barely even moving for birds sake!" He said.

"Still, I'd like to know who you are calling your girlfriend." Victor said.

"Who said it was a girlfriend?" Enoch stated defensively.

"Oh my bad, I want to know who you are considering your 'lover'." Victor said.

"Why on earth would I tell you?" Enoch asked.

"Just wake up Ellie and tell her to move. I'd much rather have her on Millard's shoulder than yours any day. You are not exactly the trustworthy kind."

"Ellie." Enoch said clapping his hands in my face. I opened my eyes croggily.

"What? We back at the house yet?" I asked

"Nah, your boyfriend just wants you to move next to Millard. He's 'fraid Imma try and steal ya."

"Tell him he shouldn't be worried. You are dating Horace anyways." I said, closing my eyes and laying back down. Suddenly the horses pulling the carriage stopped and all I heard was Victor laughing in the front.

Ahhhh once again I'm so so so so sorry I didn't get this up sooner! Please don't hate me and I hoped you liked this story. Anymore requests and I'll do my best to get them done sooner. Until then, check out my other book, Us- A Millard Nullings Fanfiction. Love you all.

Very Peculiarly Yours,
Mrs. Nullings

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