Chapter 1: The Beginning of True Despair

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"After all we've done to get to this point already and now you're getting cold feet, Muku? I guess that's what I get for thinking you'd actually stop being a dumb useless idiot for once."

Junko Enoshima once again insulted her fellow sister of despair, Mukuro Ikusaba, as they walked together together down the school hallway in a slow pace so that Junko didn't risk falling in her high heels. A majority of their plan had been set now that the world was currently wallowing in despair and the 78th class had chosen to lock themselves inside the rather large school in order to avoid the outside world; how ironic it was that trapping themselves inside here was exactly what the ultimate despair had planned.

"I-I wasn't doubting the plan or anything, I was just curious why you wanted to work on the robots when they were already finished. I thought you made them already just so you didn't have to risk being caught while we were trapped in the school?" Despite the nervous demeanor Mukuro usually had whenever speaking to her sister, she couldn't help but smile a bit at Junko's comment. She had gotten used to the constant insults a ways back and was more than delighted that Junko had such high expectations for her in the past.

"First of all, they're Monokumas, not robots. Second of all, I need to make sure they work perfectly since it's not like we have an unlimited supply or anything! If we don't get our act spot on the first time then we can easily run out of Monokumas when the killing game starts and our plan will be ruined." Junko rolled her eyes as they finally reached their destination: the second floor boy's bathroom. "How about you use your common sense once in a while, sis? It'll be much easier for the both of us!"

"Sorry, I'll be better from now on."

Located in the boy's bathroom storage closet on the other side of the wall was a secret room where Junko had planned to do any last minute adjustments secretly while away from the other students. There were many other secret spots in the school where Junko could do some last minute touches on her work and Mukuro couldn't help but wonder why she had to choose the boy's bathroom of all places but didn't dare question her younger sister again. As long as all she had to do was stand outside, it really shouldn't be a problem.

"Alright sis! Why don't you go ahead and come inside with me; you can wait in the supply closet while I'm working as a look out just in case one of the boys tries to sneak a peek. This job might actually prevent you from being as useless as usual." Junko entered the bathroom without even bothering to hold the door open for her sister.

The ultimate soldier hesitated before following Junko inside. The girl could already feel her face warming up as she glanced around the opposite gender's private room. The urinals across the stalls only seemed to remind her exactly where she was at. "Can't I wait outside? What if a boy c-catches me?"

"Then looks like your perverted ass has some complaining to do!" The pigtailed teen guffawed at her own joke before promptly returning to a serious expression. "I honestly don't give a shit what you do, as long as they don't figure out where I am. Now good luck sis! If you don't fuck up here then we'll be one step closer to seeking that wonderful despair you crave so much!"

Junko gave her sister's rear a sharp slap causing the teen to uncharacteristically yelp in shock at the contact before Junko vanishes inside the storage closet and eventually the secret room. Once Mukuro was was sure that Junko had left, she immediately dashed inside the closet and stood perfectly still.

A bead of sweat ran down the usually stoic girl's face as she wasted no time wiping it away and shutting her eyes in hopes that the small adjustment would help calm her down. Standing in the boy's bathroom for her sister wouldn't ordinarily be a problem for her but for some reason the idea of getting caught inside here by one of the students who she has spent the past year in this school with was humiliating!

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