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"Come on, flat ass Muku! We only have a couple more minutes until the others wake up so you better not fuck this up by acting like your usual depressing and boring self, alright? Remember! You're the ultimate fashionista so act like it!"

Junko Enoshima's annoyed voice spoke to her sister one final time before shutting the speaker in the spacious room off, most likely to focus on adding any final adjustments to Monokuma or something else that aided in this evil murder game.

Mukuro Ikusaba currently stood alone in the large entrance halls with a giant metallic door behind her. The soldier was currently wearing Junko's school uniform along with a wig with blonde pigtails which had taken way too long to put on.

There were a couple frustrating issues with this costume: first was of course her far too short skirt which exposed more than enough of her skinny legs and pale thighs; Mukuro had a habit of attempting to push the clothing down lower as if that would increase it's length enough to make her feel more comfortable moving around without flashing anyone. The other problem was of course the fake red nails she was forced to wear which was basically digging it's way into her fingers; the fact that the girl nearly broke a nail every time she scratched an itchy body part made this whole situation that much worse.

Of course the worst part of this fake Junko Enoshima idea was of course the acting part. Ikusaba's personality was far from the outspoken character that her sister wanted her to be. She figured she could force herself to act like this convincingly for a while though if this game truly did go on longer then a week, it could definitely wear her out eventually...the idea of tricking the people whom she has spent the past year with and watching them murder each other very soon after also wasn't very enticing despite Ikusaba not wanting to admit that to herself.

The sound of a door swinging open caused Mukuro to immediately look upwards to see a few clueless students entering the room with Celestia Ludenberg leading the way. The pale teen raised an eyebrow once she saw the fashionista in a room alone and asked, "Who are you?"

'Junko' would hate to admit this but she couldn't help but glance at each and everyone one of the increasingly large pile of students entering inside in hopes of finding a certain someone...but he seemed to be one of the only few students absent. While admittedly disappointing, it was only natural since he was the last few to be caught and memory wiped.

The new Enoshima cleared her voice before giving the crowd a giant smile while sticking two fingers out in a peace sign. "Hiii! I'm Junko Enoshima. Charmed, I'm sure!"

While Mukuro wasn't quite as fond of this murder game as she originally thought, there still was one thing for certain.

Mukuro had no issue following along with this plan because Junko needed help bringing the world into despair.

Mukuro would do anything as long as it helped her sister.



Author's Final Note: Let me say this again: thank you so much for reading this two month long fanfic! I struggled uploading consistently towards the end there but I consider this a success for my first attempt creating a fanfic and writing in general even if it didn't get many comments or anything flashy like that; I do appreciate you silent readers though...yes I know you're out there!

I do have a few ideas now that I trust myself enough to know I won't just ditch projects without completing them. I had ideas for a continuation of Danganronpa: IF with everything in this story being canon, a slice of life type of fanfic with the class before the most despair inducing incident ever, and maybe even a little one shot with Kyoko and Makoto or Mukuro and Makoto sounds fun! If any of those interest you then make sure to keep an eye on my account every once in a while for my next post! I'll probably be taking a little break but I'll definitely be back on track soon. Thanks again!

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