Chapter 14

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Jen's POV

I am a married woman. And I am in America. I am a married woman in America with Tom Hiddleston. My husband. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. We got of the plane and collected our luggage, and got into a car outside the airport that would take us where ever we were going. I didn't care where we went, as long as I was with Tom. It didn't matter where we went, as long as he was there I would be happy. The car pulled up at a villa by the coast. It looked wonderful and surprisingly large for a villa. Tom opened the car door for me and helped me out of my seat, the warm evening air surrounding me, soothing my skin. Tom unlocked the door and lifted me off of my feet before stepping carefully over the threshold.

My lips effortlessly found his, and my hand snaked its way to the back of his head, pushing it towards me to deepen our kiss. He kissed me back with such passion and urgency, but at the same time with love and compassion. I knew very quickly where this was heading. Tom carried me down the long hallway towards our bedroom, placing me down gently on the bed before kissing his way down from my lips to the hollow of my neck. While he kissed my skin, his fingers worked at the zip of my dress. His touch against my bare skin sent a tingling sensation across it, making me shiver at his touch. Once out of my dress I helped him out of his clothes and this clothes quickly joined mine in a heap on the bedroom floor. I climbed on top of him with great ease and straddled my legs across his hips. He just lay there smiling up at me wearing nothing. I traced my fingers along the contours of this chest, lifting myself and then lowering myself onto his erection. I allowed a giggle to escape my lips as I watched his eyes roll back into his head slightly. His hands held my hips to steady me as I raised my hips then allowing them to fall again, putting force on the downward thrust. Tom's hands snaked up to my breasts and he squeezed them as I continued, spending up every so often. He moaned loudly, so knew I was doing something right. I could feel Tom's body tense up and I picked up speed, driving him over the edge. He closed his eyes as he blew inside me, filling me with his warm seed.

He pulled me down and kissed me, his breath unsteady and his chest heaving beneath me. I lay on his chest, the rhythm of his heart beat soothing. He sighed contently, his hand reached out to find mine. I took his hand and tangled out fingers together, the cool metal of our wedding rings hitting against one another with a satisfying sound.

“Mrs Hiddleston?” Tom asked, the name rolling of his tongue.

“Yes, Mr Hiddleston?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Tom.” He wrapped his arms around my bare back, a sense of comfort washing over my skin. I had finally found a place I was trying happy; in Tom's arms. I lay there with him until the sun began to rise. This was my paradise. This was my break from reality.

* * * * * *

And we are finished! Thank you guys! Let me know what you thought please :) <3

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