Thirty-third vow

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"You boys should go rest up, the workers will clean the place. Now off you go!" Mr. Min instructed as they all nodded in oblige after they finished eating those luxurious meals. Jimin couldn't imagine how much money would it take to buy just one meal. Rich people should know how to be a little bit contented in life. I mean, pizza isn't all that bad!

As soon as the seven young boys have taken their leave, the three adults talked amongst themselves. "Why doesn't their friends know about them being engage? Shouldn't they supposed to tell them?" Mrs. Min asks intrigued.

"W-Well..." Abby scratched the back of her neck and laughed, taking her time to figure out an alibi to say. "The two said they weren't quite fully ready to tell them just yet."

"Oh, well I understand that. But pretending is really fun! I really don't mind it! What should we do next?" The older woman clapped her hands giddily as he anticipated for Abby's reply.

"Now simmer down honey, let's not interfere longer. Those two needs their space."

Mrs. Min snorted at her husband's remark and looked down with a pout, "Fine."

The seven boys were now gathered at the living room of their cabin. Jin called them all there for some reason without telling the others why. Namjoon looked at the male as they sat down on the floor beside the fireplace to warm their freezing bodies. "Okay hyung, what are you up to this time?"

"Well duh, since this is our first sleepover, what more perfect and suitable to do than to play the most cliché game ever?"

"If you're talking about truth or dare then you could count me out. Now if you'll excuse me," Jimin apathetically declared, attempting to get up from the floor only to be pulled back down by the arm of a certain male.

"No, stay." Yoongi interlocked his hand with his to prevent him from leaving. "We all admit, Truth or dare is really sucky game but I do agree with Jin hyung with one thing. This is our first night together and we should do something fun!"

"Isn't there any other game we can play indoor that is not truth or dare?" Taehyung pouts, placing his head on Jungkook's shoulder with his arms wrapped around his waist, side hugging his cuddly boyfriend.

"Uno?" Hoseok suggestively asked letting all of the attention to him.

Thirty minutes later...


"NOOO! I only have yellows!" Jin cried defeatedly, shooting daggers at Jungkook who just switched the colors to red.

"Ha! UNO!" "UNO!" Namjoon pointed his finger at Yoongi who shouted the word in unison. The two started to bicker loudly on who first said the word. Seriously, they sounded more like squealing toddlers ready to pull tantrums.



"How 'bout you two should just play rock, papers, scissors? The one who loses gets the penalty card." Taehyung proclaims while tucking his cards into one deck and grappled it into his palm, careful enough to not let anyone see his cards.

"Okay! Let's settle this!"

The two of them wriggled their palms as if getting ready to punch someone and even took their time to crack their knuckles. After their so-called warm up, they set their fists out parallel to each other as the two males glared against the other. The tension inside just got even heavier as they chanted the words, "ROCK, PAPERS, SCISSORS!"

Yoongi shrieked, raising his scissor hands in victory. "YEEEEAAAAAA! I WOOON BITCH!" You can almost see the tears of joy flooding his face. He looked at Jimin with a proud expression wanting to have the male's attention. "Did you see that Jimin? I won!"

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