Twenty-fourth vow

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"Parents, am I right?" Yoongi spoke wanting to break the ice with Jimin. His mom and Ms. Jeon is chatting noisily like teenage girls in front of them while the two young boys were trailing them around.

"Tell me about it," Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You were forced here as well I suppose."

"Got that damn right. I'm supposed to be at home, alone in my room, where there's no evident presence of human around." Yoongi chuckled at this statement, this was Jimin for sure. Jimin only raised his eye brow at the suddenly laughing male, "Something funny?"

"Uh no, I'm just really glad I'm with you today." The older flashed him a smile.

"Well I'm certainly not." Jimin bluntly replied with his arms crossed and brows creased.

"Meanie." Yoongi stuck out his tongue while flickering the other's forehead. "Can you stop being honest and straightforward for a change?"

"Alright. I really love hanging out with you," The smaller sarcastically muttered. Yoongi looked at him in confusion, "You told me to stop being honest, so there, I told you a lie."

"You're really mean," Yoongi pushed out his bottom lip creating a small pout. Jimin ignored his remark and continued to follow the two woman around.

"Aunt Abby, what are we gonna do here exactly?" Jimin let out a small groan, catching Ms. Jeon's attention. She turned her head backwards to face her nephew.

"Why, we came to bond of course! We're gonna be a one big family sooner or later anyway." She smiled widely.

"I'm totally on par with you!" Mrs. Min replied back and the two giggled in sync making Jimin even more annoyed than he was. Yoongi on the other hand was blushing at the mention of family and the thought of him and Jimin getting married isn't helping a bit.

"Yes and speaking of the wedding, we should probably start planning about it! I mean, it's still months away but the boys seem pretty busy at school so we need to act soon." Ms. Jeon clasped her hands.

"Uh no. That's a bad idea." Jimin replied, shaking his head.

"But why not?"

"Aunt Abby, wouldn't it be better if my parents were around for the planning?" The younger one said putting more emphasis on the word parents. He thinks his aunt forgot that there is no marriage happening and there's no way Jimin will continue lying like this.

"But your parents, assigned me to handle it while they are away so you've got now other choice but to obey me, understood?"

"This is—"

Ms. Jeon pulled him closer and leaned on his ear. "Just play along, they won't get suspicious if we act like we are really gonna plan for your wedding."

Jimin rolled his eyes and didn't argue further.

The group decided to eat at an expensive restaurant to feed themselves. Jimin and Yoongi were quiet the whole time, Yoongi was not much of a chatter but he still find it odd. After eating their lunch, Mrs. Min spoke, "Why don't you two look around for a bit?"

"What?" Yoongi snapped his head at his mother in surprise.

"Yeah! And we'll stay behind to discuss about the marriage further." Ms. Jeon butts in, giving Jimin a mischievous look. She was definitely doing this on purpose.

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