Fortieth vow

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Jimin thought it was best to step outside and get a breather, Yoongi's words from earlier kept playing on his head like a broken record. Why is he so nervous about it? It felt weird and creepy. A good ten minutes or so, he went back to the court after gathering his things and saw Yoongi playing all by himself. They must've ended their practice awhile back.

"Yoongi," He spoke catching the male's attention. He settled his things on the bench and ambled closer to him at the center.

Yoongi vestured a smile on his face and hooked the ball on his arm. "Hey, you're here. I was staring to think you ditched me," He jokingly stated, fixing his damp hair that he parted on the middle showing his red sweatband. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Jimin gulped and took a step back, seeing the smirk on his lips. Yoongi marched towards him and leaned down as his smirk only grew wider at the sight of the male gulping softly. Their noses touched and Jimin could feel the older's breath fanning his skin as the older licked his lips slowly throwing him a questionable look. Until,

"To play! Come on! I'm gonna teach you how to play basketball." Yoongi took a step back with a teasing chuckle. He passed the ball softly to the younger who had this look in a state of shock. Luckily, he caught the ball in his grasp despite his daze before the ball could hit his torso.


"Yeah! Let's have fun! I really wanna be with you today, so let's play!"

Jimin bobbed his head finally understanding with an 'oh' leaving his lips, mentally face palming himself at his foolishness for thinking otherwise. He let out a small laugh and dribbled the ball as what he saw that Yoongi did earlier. "I'm not a player though,"

"You don't have to be. C'mere I'll teach you,"

Instead of obliging, Jimin ran around the court while dribbling the ball with a sly smile on his face, passing by the older who was blocking his way. "Catch me if you can~" He shouted in a playful voice. He saw Yoongi laughing and running after him. "I'll catch you!"

"No you won't!"

Yoongi fasten his speed and easily caught up to the younger, circling his arms around his waist from the back and lifting him up slightly to prevent him from running further. Jimin's high pitch scream echoed on the empty walls of the court, letting out a loud laughter. "Ahh! Put me down!"

"You were the one who ran away from me!"

The older male slowly placed him back to the ground and swerved his body, now facing each other. Yoongi tuck a cluster Jimin's hair behind his ear and admired how beautiful he looked. He then pouted his lips, gesturing the latter to give him a kiss. Jimin looked at him weirdly and slightly backing his head away. "What are you doing?"


"Alright," Jimin lifted an eye brow challengingly and handing him the ball. "On one condition. Shoot the ball to the ring at this distance."

Yoongi scoffed at that easy challenge as he snatched the ball with his right hand and swiftly throwing it without hesitation. He didn't wait for the result knowing the perfect angle of the throw. He arrogantly smirked and turned to Jimin, scooping his waist and kissing him passionately not wasting another second. The sound of the ball entering the ring only made his smirk even wider.

Jimin, without a choice, kissed back as he hooked his arms on the older's neck, pulling him down further. The sound of their lips smacking and heavy breaths echoed in the empty room. Although Yoongi wanted to do things further, he knows Jimin wouldn't approve of it just yet, he was willing to wait. He pulled out, panting with their foreheads connected to each other. "I love you Jimin." He whispered.

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