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There's a noise in the jade palace, a pattering of paws on the hard floor. She quietly moves about taking as much kung fu memorabilia as she can carry. After collecting all she can in her pack, she quickly heads for the door. Before she can leave she hears a noise from the back of the palace. As she exits through the front entrance, she looks back and meets the glowing eyes of Tigress. A spark explodes in her chest at the quick glance she catches of that fiery gaze but she keeps moving. She keeps running from the jade palace with her pack slowing her slightly, full of priceless artifacts. Her tail swishing behind her silently, she disappears into the night.

**the next morning**

Master Shifu scans the palace, observing all the empty pedestals which used to hold some of the most important kung fu relics, the dragon warrior and the furious five alongside him.

"What happened here?" exclaimed Po.

"Someone robbed us. They've stolen priceless memorabilia. Track them down. Check with the villagers to make sure nothing else was stolen." Master shifu orders calmly, as he exits the palace.

"Crane fly ahead, try to find any evidence as to where the thief fled to. The rest of us will go through the village and see if anyone noticed anything last night." Tigress says, not sure whether or not she should mention that she saw the thief last night. Okay she knew that she should, she pledged loyalty to master shifu and to the jade palace, but she couldn't. She had never felt the way she did in that moment. All her life she suppressed her emotions because she knew that if she loved then she would get hurt and no one would ever truly love her. Recently she's been feeling more, she knows that she loves the rest of the five and master shifu, and recently she's realized she loves Po as well. After all they went through with that stupid peacock, she's come to terms with how much they all mean to her. But this was different.

To be continued...

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