Chapter 3

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A days journey later, on no food and no sleep, they meet with Crane. He informs them that there is a small camp set up just a few hours from here so the Furious Five and the Dragon Warrior decide to take a quick rest to gather their strength. Tigress tosses and turns for an hour before giving up and telling Mantis she will take over on watch. She is not used to so much torment inside her head. Since Master Shifu adopted her from the orphanage she has managed to always stay focused and level headed, minus the few times she has lost her temper (usually with Po). So why was she getting so riled up over the tiniest amount of eye contact with some stranger who stole from them. After another couple hours the rest of the warriors woke up and has some food before setting out again for the last couple hours to find the thief.

After traveling for an hour they come across the small camp. There are a few animals walking around the tents, some rhinos and other large creatures. She didn't see the thief from the other night though. Despite herself she feels disappointed.

"Crane, Viper go around the valley and block the exit behind the camp. We do not leave until we find this thief and recover all that was stolen from us." She whispers encouragingly, sending the two off. As the rest of the kung fu warriors crept towards the camp to beat every honourless creature in it, she realized she didn't care about the artifacts stolen. She just wanted to see that thief again to find out if the spark is still there.

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