Chapter 4

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Tigress had an entire plan as to how they would attack the camp, as efficiently as possible. But the moment she sees the thief being pushed around by a large rhino all her rational thoughts fly out the window. The cat is pushed to the ground, surrounded by a few other large animals, Tigress doesn't have time to figure out why they are doing it before she finds herself running to the thief's aid.

She hears Po and the others yelling at her but she doesn't stop, all she sees is the beautiful animal on the floor being mistreated. She gets to the camp in less than 10 seconds and has the head tormentor on the ground writhing in pain in less than 5. By then the rest of the Jade Palace warriors have joined her and help to take out the rest of the criminals in the camp. They were no match for the skills of the Kung Fu warriors. While the five and Po finished off the last of the criminals, Tigress goes over to the thief who is still on the ground, watching the beat down of the members of her camp. As her large green eyes land on Tigress, a glimmer of recognition passes through them. Tigress reaches out her paw to help the other cat up, still not able to see her face as the thief is once again wearing a hood that covers her whole head with just a hole for the mouth and eyes. She is slightly more slender than Tigress, with smaller paws and a more narrow nose. The thief takes Tigresses paw, using it to get up. But instead of then letting go, she uses her grip to turn Tigress around to face the other Kung Fu warriors who had come over to the two. As the thief holds Tigresses back to her front, she brings her paw to her neck, unsheathing a long sharp claw.

"Stay back or I kill her right now." The thief growls.

A/N: sorry this is so short but I'm not feeling very inspired right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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