Thank you!

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So ONE CHANCE is over...*cries* But thank you to those that have read it. 

I began writing this book nearly over a year ago and it was honestly only wirtten for my best friend, Cecilia. We write books for each other, it's sort of our thing haha. But while writing it, I began to get into the book and I felt that it was one of the best books I've written over the years. I have never shared my books with anyone other than the love stories between Cecilia and Bryce which, as i mentioned before, were only written for Cecilia. 

So this book was based on myself, my best friend, our friend - Bryce and Harry Styles. Obviously the way the characters are portrayed in the book aren't necessarily how they are in real life. I am sarcastic but I am not a bitch nor do i party and get drunk and I am not dating Harry Styles lol.But Cecilia on the other hand, is innocent, a study freak and jumps to conclusions haha but I love her anyway.

But this book first started out as a dream i dreamt awhile back and I thought it was a good enough to turn into a book for Cc. 

When I published this book, I honestly didn't think anyone would read it only Cc...and that's it. But over the 2 or 3 motnhs I have been publishing it on here, it's managed to reach over 600 reads and 162 votes. Now I know that isnt much but it's more than what I ever though this book would reach. And i hope the book gets more and more reads as time passes. 

I have enjoyed writing this so much and have loved reading the comments and hearing some of your assumptions on what happens after each chapter had been posted. So thank you!

Thank you to Cecilia, the inspiration of this book. You helped me get back into my writing as I had stopped a few years ago as I had lost the courage to do so. Writing for you has been a privilege and it only gets better from here with my new book - Hidden ;). Your support has been appreciated so much and I can't thank you enough for being a huge inspiration to me. 

A huge thanks to Javana for supporting and reading this book. You have shown endless support and dedication to this book. Your faith in me never dies no matter what and I can't thank you enough. 

And lastly, a huge thanks to my Amynators, you all have been amazing throughout my journey whether it being my YouTube or Wattpad, you have shown your support through everything and I couldn't have done it without you guys! 

So to sum this blabbering up, thank you for reading OC and I hope you enoyed reading it. It's been a huge privilege to write for you and I hope you stay with me for my next books that are coming out in the next few years! 

I love every single one of you even Amy Shay does and it isnt often you hear that from her ;) 


- Amy Louise xox

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