Ever After Chp. 8

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I didn't know exactly what to think when Cameron finally appeared.

I had it all planned out in my head how he'd come pick me up....

This isn't really what I had planned.

Should I be mad?

I mean...obviously I was a little.

But, should I be?

My sour mood would ruin the whole date.

So, I couldn't help but let a smile slip onto my face when I looked down and realized in the roses there was a little card.

He saw me looking at it and said, "Oh yeah, the card. Read it when you get home."

"Oh, alright."

"So Miss Abigail, are you ready for our fancy shmancy dinner, and then a movie?", he said with sophistication.

"Well, of course.", I said back in the same way.

By the time we got to the restaurant, it was already close to 7:30.

The restaurant was called Romantique, which means romantic in French.

It was a corny choice, but very sweet.

During dinner, I barely ate because I was so self-conciese about eating in front of him.

What if I got sauce on my outfit?

What if sauce ran down my face?

What if I accidentally talked with my mouth full?



Oh no no no, the horrors of eating with him were just too much to handle.

So, I just nibbled a little bit at the pasta I ordered.

"Well, Miss Abigail, I just want to say I'm very sorry for being 40 minutes late."

"50.", I said a little annoyed.

"Wow, that's even worse. Okay, I'm very sorry for being 50 minutes late."

"Just out of curiosity, why were you late?"

Ugh, maybe I shouldn't have asked that.

"Oh, well, it's a little embarrassing...but I'll tell you."

"Okay, I don't judge. This is a no judging zone, as the posters in school say.", I said while we both giggled.

"Alright...", he said with a sigh, "I like to watch Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet and I recorded the episodes and re-watched them when I got home from school, but time got away from me..I looked at the clock and BOOM, it was past 6:30."

"NO WAY!", I said laughing.

"Psh I know I know, it's a little embarrassing. I'm sorry."

"No no no," I said, "I LOVE that show too!"

"WHAT!!!", he said.


After that, our conversation included bits about our favorite episodes, how he actually has a sweatshirt that says "I ❤️ Bigfoot", and other weird things Cameron enjoys.

I like that he's quirky.

Everyone at school sees him as this perfectly attractive guy.

But I see him as just weird, Bigfoot loving Cameron.

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