Ever After Chp. 10

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The second after I read the card (and pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming) I texted Cameron.

Hey, I just opened the card. And my answer is yes...I will be your girlfriend <3

He must've been waiting right by his phone for my text because it showed he read it right when I sent it.

He sent back:

That's the answer I was hoping for ;)

I was really tired at that point, since the movie was sooooo looooong and it ended late.

So, I decided to cut it short.

Well, I'm really tired soo I'm going to bed. Thanks for tonight! I had a lot of fun and now officially being your girlfriend made it 10x better. Sleep good :)

Hey, maybe I'm not so bad at this flirting and being cute thing after all!

Aw okay. I had a lot of fun too, sorry for being late again. Sleep well my beautiful girlfriend <3


He's just too cute.

Seeing that last sentence in actual text made it feel even more real.

My mom came in my room a few minutes later to find me reading the little card over and over again.

"What's that?", she said.

"Well...", I handed her the card, "Cameron asked me out."

"Oh my gosh! That's very sweet. Well, we might have to keep this from your dad for a little while...but I fully approve. If he makes my daughter happy, I'm happy."

Well....ha, that was easy.

"Thank you mom. Trust me, he's a sweet guy."


Eventually word spread throughout the school about us being an official couple.

The glares I got from everyone were the most I'd ever gotten..

There were even more odd looks shot my way than the time I accidentally wore my mom's "I'm a proud mother" shirt one morning when I was running late.

Ha, you can guess the rumor that spread after that...


Later that day I saw Cameron in school.

He walked over and gave me a looong hug.

While hugging me, I felt his muscular arms get a little tighter and he said, "I'm so glad your mine".

My heart melted.

I giggled and said, "Me too, I'm very lucky."

"Hey, I think it'd be great for you to meet my parents. And I'd love to meet yours too sometime."

"Well, my parents are always so busy. Why don't I meet yours first."

"Alright, what about friday night? Hey, that's a week since our date," he laughed.

"Sounds good to me."

The bell rang for the last period of the day.

"I'll text ya later." He said while practically running away to his class.

"Alrighty," I said and walked the other way.

My heart sank a little....

I mean, it's not like I was expecting him to kiss me goodbye, but it'd be nice..

Just when I thought that, I looked up to see he had come back.

"Oh! I forgot something!" He said.

And then he kissed me.


Even better than the first time.

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