The beginning

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It was the next night and Maya was working at her mother's cafe  when Lucas walked inside after being at the river court with the guys.

"Hey, mom, twittie" Lucas said using the childhood nickname for his twin sister

"Hey, hon." Karen replied

" hey Luke how long are you going to call me that" Maya asked him while coming around the counter to stand beside Luke

He just sent her a smirk before commenting on his mothers food. "It smells good in here. Did you change your hair? "

"If by "change" you mean "dragged a brush through it," then yeah. " Karen told him while filling up some cups with soup for them all

"Well, it looks nice."

" yeah I agree your looking hot mama"  Maya added as Haley came out the back room

"The magazine pages are sticky again. Little pervs. Oh, hey, Luke. You been reading this ? " Haley joked

" god lucas that's mine as well" Maya said while sending a smirk to Haley

"Is that the "why do I hang out with these people?" Issue, because you're on the cover of that, right?" Lucas asked with a smile on his face

"No, actually, it's the "my twin brother is an idiot" issue, and there you are. " Maya said taking haley's side

"Haley, would you like to join us?" Karen asked while Maya filled a cup for her best friend already knowing the answer

"Hell, yes." Haley shouted taking the cup from Maya as they both joined Lucas and Karen at a table

"So, honey, how was your day?" Karen questioned more towards Lucas as Maya had been at work with her for most of the day

"Good, thanks ... "Good" is relative, considering a third of the world is starving, which does not change the fact that I am clumsy as hell. Did I tell you that i fell down today? Yeah, slipped off the curb, face down, butt in the air. Too graphic ? Sorry. I'll just be quiet." Haley interjected while using lots of hand gestures

"So, I got something for you, Lucas." Karen told her son

"Actually, I found it. Not that I was looking for something specifically, which implies some hideous sort of "Joey loves Dawson " scenario and completely creep me out, but, you know, we saw it, and..." Haley rambles excitedly

"Well, give him the book." Maya states cutting Haley off. Karen handed the book over to him

"Wow. "Julius Caesar."" Luke smiled at the three as he looked over the book

"There's a tide in the affairs of men" -- or something like that.  Karen quoted

"Nice. Thank you, guys. Thank you very much." Lucas said in his voice that could make any girl weak at her knees

"Whatever. That's what you're into." Maya commented with a roll of her eyes which had everyone laughing


Maya and Lucas was in study hall which they share with Peyton (Luke's long term crush) and Nathan ( their half brother who ignore them) when coach whitey entered.

"Scott." Which got a reaction from all three siblings

"What's up, coach?" Nathan obviously answered thinking it was him due to basket ball

"Not you. You." Whitey answered and pointed to Lucas making the twins share a look before Lucas became to make him way to coach. "You read a book or something." Coach told Nathan as he and Lucas left

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