I : surgery

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disclaimer : i did a research on the medical terms so i can use it accurately but im still not sure if i really did use it that way so yeah feel free to correct me if im wrong :-))


"Code 9. Code 9. Code 9. I repeat Code 9."

I was just about to take a bite of my first meal of the day when the siren wailed, signalling chosen doctors to proceed to the emergency room. Code 9 is a code we use for situations that require immediate surgery. I left my table and rushed to the lower floor where the emergency room is located.

I pulled my walkie-talkie out and pushed the number 3 button, "Prepare at least five operating rooms.Get all the team lined up."

The whole staff in the hospital were already informed of the codes and for this code they were told to walk at the sides, especially if they see doctors running so it wasn't hard for me to make way to the ER despite the doctors, patients, and nurses walking along the hallway

"How many patients are there?" I asked the nurse beside me on my way to the ER

"Three patients," she scanned her chart before continuing, "The first patient has a ruptured spleen while the other two patients suffer from cerebral contusion"

"Give the patient with ruptured spleen to Dr. Park and tell her to perform laparotomy. Dr. Kang and I will split with the two patients suffering from cerebral contusion, give Dr. Kang the patient who's less critical."

"Yes Dr. Kim." The nurse fled away and I hurriedly made my way to the emergency operating room.

I quickly washed my hands and entered the operating room. Just as my assistant finished on putting my surgical gown and gloves, the patient that I will operate for today came in.

A big portion of where the patient's laying is soaked by her blood. Situations like this weren't new to me, especially critical patients, they're mostly placed under my guidance because of my good records. I am confident that I can save this patient today despite its condition.

"Tell Dr. Kim Jisoo that when I am not yet out of the operating room after 6 hours, she'll be taking over in my operation that's scheduled at 5 pm." I told the scrub nurse before going in front of the patient

"Scal—" I was left dumbfounded as soon as I recognized the patient that's in critical condition. That blonde hair, that pointed nose, and familiar plump lips

No this can't be, "Lisa..." I immediately searched for her hand "Dr Kim what are you doing?"
and as soon as I saw that familiar ring I gave her on our 2nd anniversary, I was in complete shock and I had no more words to say. It is lisa.

My knees started to feel weak, my brain couldn't function properly, and all I can think of is how did she end up like this. My heart started beating erratically and for a moment all I could hear was my own breathing. Her head was losing so much blood but then at that moment my body stiffened, I couldn't move even if my brain was screaming at me to do so. It was only after Dr. Bae, my surgical assistant, wobbled me and made my senses come back to me.

"Lisa's losing too much blood and if you don't start the operation now, it'll be too late. Get a hold of yourself Dr. Kim."

I came back to my senses and had my scrub nurse wipe my tears and sweat
"Scalpel." I held out my hand asking for the scalpel and started to perform the surgery

The first few hours went smoothly but compared to my other surgeries, I was sweating so much and my heart was beating rapidly. There were times Dr. Bae and I had to switch roles because I was trembling so much. The surgery needed stable hands for one single mistake could cause a more severe injury.

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