1. Can It Be? (Roman)

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"What is up everybody?"

Thomas's slightly-less-flamboyant-than-usual intro sounded, startling me into consciousnesses. Okay Princey, get ready for this.

"Why, hello, Thomas!" Rising up from my usual corner, I greet him regally.

"Oh, ah, hi, Roman." The young man looks extremely out of sorts. His hair an unkept mess and his clothing barely upgraded from pyjamas.

"Is something the matter? You aren't as cheery as you should be." Looking him up and down, I give a judgmental eye.

"Mmm. I don't know, Roman. I just don't know." Thomas runs his hands through his faded purple hair.

"Something's clearly up." Perhaps it's Virgil again. "When did you start feeling... off?"

I don't even know where to begin! I'm the creative side, not the mystery solving one!

"Well, yesterday I guess." Hmmm okay.

"What were you doing when you noticed it?"

"Well I was watching an adorable video of cats and dogs becoming friends and doing cute  things. I was about half way through when none of it was adorable or funny anymore." He was becoming more and more anxious as he spoke, increasing his speed dramatically. Ding Dang Dagnabbit, Virgil! Why now?

"Did you ever think that maybe you are just sick of doing YouTube?" The darker side appears beside me. Bored as ever, Virgil sits on the stairs with as much enthusiasm as a dragonless prince.

"Virgil! You're not helping!" I snap.
Great. Now I'm becoming anxious.

"Okay. Thomas." Forcing myself back into reality, or well... I guess... our reality, I turn my attention back to a quivering Thomas.
"You say nothing is adorable or funny anymore?"

"Mhm." He sounds a troublesome grunt, but of the agreeable kind.

"Have you heard from Patton lately? Perhaps the issue here isn't Virgil for once, maybe it's Patton with all his adorable puns and his cute cat sweater and... oh, uhm, I mean, everyone loves Patton, right?" Damn it, Roman! Now they'll know!

"Pfft. Whatever you think, Princey." Virgil rolls his eyes sinisterly.

"I haven't seen him since we made the Sanders Sides video yesterday. He seemed like his usual, pun-making self then." Thomas says quietly.

I hate to say it but perhaps Logan can help.

"Why don't you summon Microsoft Nerd? He might have some more insight into your problem." I really don't want to deal with him right now.

"Logan?" Thomas sounds oddly hesitant this time. Something really must be up.

Swiftly, Logic pops up from his usual place near the stairs. Pushing up his glasses as he speaks.

"You summoned?" Ooof, I want to slap him with a fish already.

"Thomas is having a bad day. They're over reacting as usual." Anxiety spits, overriding my arguments before I can verbalise a single one.

"Thomas is feeling off and nothing is adorable or funny anymore. Something's up." I choke out the verbal explosion that erupted from my golden vocal chords. I slap my hand to my mouth to stop the flood of insults about to flow over. My words almost gallivant from my lips before Virgil interjects.

"Why don't you just summon Patton if you're all so worried." Anxiety's usual sarcasm notable, though his intentions pure.

"Why, yes, that is probably best." Crossing his arms to take his usual stance, Logan raises a hand in Morality's direction.

Expecting to see a cheery Patton emerge, everyone was silent. Intensely waiting.


"Perhaps he's mad at me for something Roman did again. You try Virgil."

"Clearly Calculator Watch doesn't like failing at something so he blames me, as per usual!" Why does he always blame me?

"Ugh, just stop! Can't you see what you're doing to Thomas?!" A clearly concerned Virgil announces above our pitiful banter.

"Well, yes. I apologise, Thomas. I let my pride get the better of me." Hm. Take that Logan. I'm the better prince now! Haha!

"Hey, ah, Patton? Wanna give us a hand?" Thomas meekly vocalises.

Again, nothing.

"I'll go and check on him. Be back before you can say 'Prince Valiant'!" With a flick of the wrists I begin to sink down.

"Prince Valiant." A monotonous voice echos.

"Smart-alec Jerk." Ugh. Always Anxiety being the ruinous one.


"Patton? You here buddy?" I round the corner of Thomas's mind palace. "Everyone's worried about you." Man, I hope he's okay. I really like Patton. He's such a relief from those two serious schlubs.

Coming to a brightly coloured door covered with rainbows, cats and cookies, I stop.

"Patton, you in here?" I knock twice.

No answer.


Still nothing.

"Okay, I'm coming in." I turn the handle letting out a slight squeak. Slowly, I push the door open.

"Patton? Are you okay buddy?" Stepping into the pitch dark room, a cold chill instantly hit my body. Feeling around for a light switch, a cold, sticky liquid meets my touch. "Eww!" Finding a switch, I immediately flick it and wipe my hand on my white, linen shirt. Glancing around the room, there is no sign of Patton. Obvious red splats cover the wall and trickle down to meet the carpet, catching my

I look down at my hand to discover it too is covered in this unfamiliar substance. Bringing my hand closer to my nose to smell the odd liquid, a red smear below me grabs my attention. It's shaped like a foot print that leads behind the bed.

Stepping over a puddle of almost black, I round the bed and nearly fall on top of a red covered Patton.

"Oh, God! HELP!!!"

Hey! So I've decided to try something new and take a different route. Fanfics!!! (I love Thomas Sanders, so how could I not start here😻)

I know! I know! "Not Patton!' I love him too but the story has to start somewhere right? I promise, it will get better.

I wanted to channel my boredom into something productive, so here we are! I hope you like it!

If you haven't already, please check out my other stuff. My first ever work, "Fame Ain't All Glitter" started off a bit rocky but I promise you, I am getting better at it as the story progresses. I'm not 100% proud or happy with it yet (we'll get there) but I am, however, a lot more proud of this book so far!

Please stick with me here!

Vote, comment and share this if you liked it! It would mean the world to me! I'm not sure where this story is headed yet, or when I will be updating but I do plan on finishing it! So be patient with me. Please. For Patton's sake!

Thank you for taking time to read this and if you made it this far, I am extremely impressed!

As always,

~MoChride~ xx

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