6. The Truth (Virgil)

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That. Was. Amazing!

He kissed me.
HE kissed ME!

Why did he do that? Why did I initiate that?! Ugh, Virgil! You idiot!! You know nothing can ever come of this? Not right now, anyway! No, don't get your hopes up, fool. Nothing could ever come of that. He's Roman, you're this dark nothing. You are polar opposites. It can't work. Ever.

Walking up to the black and blue door, I wipe the tears from my face and gently knock. "Logan? You in there?" My question is answered by the door popping open.

"What do you want, Virgil?" A rather boring, monotone Logic states.

"Uhh, I was thinking that you might have a solution for Thomas's problem?" I fiddle with my fingers, picking at my chipped nails. Social interactions, even with my family, are difficult.

Logan doesn't answer: verbally, at least.
He opens the door fully to reveal that his flawlessly arranged room has been victim to a hurricane.
"What the-?" I look around at the papers and scribbles. Distrait, I walk forward taking in the mess. "Logan, what is all this?"

"This, is it!" The unkempt man beside me suddenly springs to life and declares jubilantly.

"What? The solution? But it's in mathematical equations." I protested, feeling slightly odd. "Are you feeling okay, Logan?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? You're just not seeing the whole picture!" With a swift click of his fingers, Logan stares at me expectantly.

"What?" It appears that he too is losing it, nothing has changed and I don't know what clicking is supposed to accomplish.

"Well. What do you think?" He stares at me almost cross-eyed with anticipation. Clearly something was supposed to happen but what, I don't know.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Logan, what are you doing?" I take a step backwards into my cage of security, tucking my hands into my hoodie pocket. "Look, I don't know what's wrong with you but everyone is clearly being affected by whatever is happening to Thomas and he is clearly getting worse!" I wave my hand as a clouded image of Thomas appears. "See, he's just standing there. Staring... at... a... blank wall?" I stare at the live playthrough with my face mangled with confusion at our hosts bizarre choice of activity. He's clearly out of it. "Gah! Logan, look. Do you have a plan or not?"

"Look!" He points to his papers, spread out messily on the floor, intensifying my nature further. Running my hands over my face, I notice a foreign entity perched on my nose. I look down only to see a map of the mind palace with a path clearly mapped out. "Logan! What did you do to me! Fix it! Get them off me!!!" I scream at him in panic.

"Virgil calm down! They're just glasses, there is no logical reason to..." he searches through his stupid cards, "bottle out."
"Huh?" What even? Did he just make that one up?
"You know, freak out." Clearly he is not okay.
"Right... well, can you just explain the plan?"
"Oh! Right. Of course. Well, I believe that it has to be one of the Others. It's the only logical explanation as to how they got into Patton's room." Logan scratches his head and pushes up his glasses. The look of contemplation glued on his face worries me slightly. If Logic himself is baffled, than what hope do I have? None, that's what.

I walk over to the pages of notes and begin to flick through them. My hand lands on a page that doesn't seem to belong.

"My Dearest,
Words do not exist for the kind of love I feel for you. The English language is not advanced enough to describe my heart's desire to..."

My reading is interrupted by Logan roughly snatching the paper away from my shaking hands. "Logan, what is that?" I ask, twisting the fabric of my hoodie around my finger.
"Nothing." He states blatantly.
"It's a love letter, isn't it?" I step forward. Virgil, stop it. Go back to your shy standard. No! It's time I stood up to him, to someone! I snatch the paper back and read it frantically.

"My Dearest,
Words do not exist for the kind of love I feel for you. The English language is not advanced enough to describe my heart's desire to love you for all my days. Your kindness shines through your glistening eyes and the darkness of my days is destroyed by your smile. I love you.
Yours always,
It's so... sweet. Bleh! I want to throw up. Ew! But wait, "Logan..." his eyes dart from me to the dull blue mat that lines the doorway. "Who did you write that to?" He pauses for a moment, staring at nothing. Pushing up his dark framed glasses and crossing his arms as usual, his chest rises and falls exaggeratedly. "It was a long time ago. It means nothing now." He's trying to hide this. No! Not today. Not after Patton. You can't do it you insolent fool. SHUT UP!
My entire body tenses as I yell internally. "Logan!" Startled by my own volume, I shrink back into myself. Hah, I knew you couldn't do it. "Was it for Patton?" I gently lay a hand on his bare arm before instinctively retracting it.

"No Virgil, not Patton." His whole stance drops like a marshmallow melting in a flame. "Aspiration." He looks sad. Disappointed in himself. Why? Who is Aspiration?
"Who's that?"
"He's-" The door slams open and straight into my back. My head flies forward to connect with the corner of the night stand.
"Oh my Gosh! Virgil!" Roman's flamboyancy keeps my conscious as my vision swirls. He floats toward me and encircles my body with his. His warmth is so soothing, calming. Mmmm. I sink into the serene tranquility I always feel around my Princey. He's not your Prince. "Shut up." I mutter.
"It's ok Virg, breathe, I'm right here."
Mmm, his voice could put me to slee-...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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