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way to embarrass yourself Ji-a

you whine throwing yourself onto your bed

hearing your phone buzz you look at the screen

Unknown number
did you really run away from me like that?

oh this mans an actual stalker

'How'd you even get my number'

the message was read almost immediately

your friend Josie gave it to me

'who in the fuck is Josie'


'you mean Jisoo you dumb rabbit looking ass'

without waiting for a response you block his number and scream into your pillow


Chuckling to himself Jungkook locks his phone before looking back at the diary

Most girls find daddy kinks off putting but I wanna try it out, it turns me on for some reason

Jungkook closes his eyes feeling his pants tighten

why could he imagine you saying daddy and why does it affect him this much

it only gets worse when he sees the picture

it only gets worse when he sees the picture

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Her body is beautiful

everything about her is beautiful

that night Jungkook stayed up reading every page and looking at every photo

that night he also decided it was time for your journal to be returned

but not without a surprise

It's been three days since the incident with Jungkook occurred

you've barely seen him which is either really good or really bad

Where is he?

walking into math you greet Mr Son

a few minutes after your arrival Jungkook walks in

he walks straight past you and takes his seat


packing your things your ready to leave until Jungkook leans down to you

"I think this is yours" he holds out your journal

unable to speak you grasp onto the book and he walks away casually


there's no way

your frozen in your seat for a minute before opening the journal

your eyes brows furrow as a few pictures fall out into your desk

putting down the journal you pick up the photos



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Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook

it had to be you.

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