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After a much needed nap Jungkook unpacks his bag to study

placing the pink book onto his desk he turns to the first page

Property of Ji-a

what a nerd

he flips the page and his smile drops

he flips the page and his smile drops

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what the fuck

slamming the book shut Jungkook moves away

was that..?

I've never written anything like this before, But people say writing about your sexual frustrations and what you want done to you is therapeutic.

I've always wanted to try being an exhibitionist, the thrill of someone watching me, being turned on by me makes me horny.

I've always wanted to try being an exhibitionist, the thrill of someone watching me, being turned on by me makes me horny

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These aren't study notes

I want to be tied up, restrained. basically I just want to be dominated. Handcuff my hands behind my back and then fuck me

 Handcuff my hands behind my back and then fuck me

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This girl really is not who I thought she was


sitting at the back with one pen in his hand and another in his mouth, Jungkook works quickly trying to understand the last question of the homework

he looks up continuously making sure Mr Son hasn't arrived yet, whilst glancing he sees you walk in looking glum

you're dragging your feet looking down before sadly sitting in your seat

he almost chokes when he sees you taking off your jacket causing some student to give him weird looks

apologising quietly he sees your back exposed, you were wearing a halter top the strap tied cutely in a bow 

even her back is beautiful

Jungkook stops himself from looking at you any further and quickly solves the last question

during class his mind keeps wandering 

thinking about you

thinking about the book

I'm gonna go insane 


meet me in room 215


see you there

"Sir could I just go to the nurses office, I don't feel too good"

Mr Son nods asking him to take his things as well

pretending to look unwell Jungkook walks out of the classroom 

immediately breaking character he heads towards room 215 seeing the girl already waiting inside 

"thought you said you wanted to focus on studying" Katherine says pouting sarcastically 

"how can I when you keep sending me those videos" Jungkook replies dropping his bag down moving towards her 

she smiles smugly placing her arms around his neck

"consider yourself lucky everyone else has to subscribe to my only fans to see all that" 

he looks down at her, placing one hand on her waist while creeping the other to hold her jaw

making sure to keep his hand on the side of her neck too he leans down kissing her sensually

the kiss grew hungrier, wanting more Jungkook pushes her towards the table before lifting her up onto it

spreading her legs apart he stands in between them not breaking the kiss

"god I missed this" Katherine breathes out before kissing him again

"I'll show you what I missed" Jungkook says 

his fingers slowly hook onto her panties

pulling them down he dips his head starting to lick her dripping pussy

the girl moaning under him unaware of the fact he was picturing someone completely different.

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