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"so where are we going?"  you ask rubbing your hands together as your sit in the passenger seat

"just this little cafe that stays open late then we can get some bbq if you want" Jungkook replied while turning up the heat in the car

"oh yummm" you almost drool

"I just thought we should at least get to know each other more if we're gonna do this" he says

"yeah that makes sense"

"I know people are awkward talking about sex but we have to at least be comfortable talking about it with each other otherwise we shouldn't be doing it"  he replies as he uses one hand to turn left

"I couldn't agree more" you say

he turns to you for a brief moment and you both chuckle

"here's the cafe"

"Hi what would you guys like?" the young waitress asks you both

"uh I'll get the fluffy pancakes with strawberries and cream"  you say

she notes it down turning her attention to Jungkook

"and I'll get the chocolate chip waffles with bananas and cream"

"Any drinks?"  she asks

"I'll get a iced latte" you say after skimming the drinks

"I'll get an iced latte too" Jungkook says before handing the menus to her

"no problem that'll be ready in about ten minutes" she says sweetly before walking away

"tell me more about yourself, actually tell me everything" he says propping his elbows on the table

"there's nothing interesting about me" you chuckle

"oh come on umm how come your english is so good?" he asks

"you've heard me speak english?" you asks curiously

"I did advanced english for one day and I remember you doing a speech during class" he says embarrassed

"oh yeah well I lived in America for a few years but then I came back to Seoul"

"how come you came back?"

"oh uh my mum she left us and my dad only moved to America because of her so he didn't see a point in staying there anymore"

"oh...when you mean left you mean she uh died?" he asks cautiously

you laugh "no she had an affair with my dads co-worker and one day she packed her bags and left with him"

"oh wow she-"

"sounds like a bitch...yeah she was" you mutter

Jungkook laughs at your light heartedness

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