New Readers Please read ! Reflection

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You guys really don't need to read this but I would really appreciate it if you do especially if you've been following my work from the beginning💕

So everyone it's been a while since I've been actively updating

Things are getting a little hectic now but even though I haven't been actively updating I've been coming onto the Wattpad to check my notifications and what not

Many people are still reading this book and I get notifications for it everyday so i decided to take a look back on the book myself to ask what's so good about it and I honestly can't see it

I do believe that the concept and idea of the book is something I'm proud of but the writing is not a reflection of my work now

I wish I could start this over and show my writing skills even though i've been editing the book, rewriting it would be a completely different thing

I just want any new readers to know that I've been working hard on my writing and the books I have planned for the future are definitely not as poorly written as this book

Even if i lose all 2 million reads of this book I wouldn't mind, I just want to be proud of what I put out and there's a lot of problems with this book so

If I do decide to rewrite the book it may temporarily be unpublished and published again chapter by chapter as if it's a new book

If anyone has advice feel free to comment

If everything I said made no sense

I'm sorry 😂

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