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Esther searched down the corridor outside of the Great Hall, looking for the Hufflepuffs that had just left. The incident at the Dueling Club had left the girl with a multitude of questions, mostly surrounding the infamous Harry Potter. How could he speak to snakes? He seemed far too relaxed during the attack that nearly occurred. Esther hadn't heard of any witch or wizard being able to talk to snakes, it didn't seem like a good thing.

"Justin, please just come out..."

Esther perked up at the voice - Hannah's, she presumed. Esther turned the corner to see the Hufflepuff girl waiting outside of the boys' restroom.

"No. I'd really rather be alone right now." Justin's voice echoed softly from inside.

Esther could hear Ernie talking to Justin from inside, attempting to convince him to come out of a stall.

"Is he alright?" Esther asked, approaching Hannah.

The blonde shook her head. "Just a bit spooked, I think. With everything that's been going on..."

Esther nodded in understanding.

"You just don't get it!" she heard Justin exclaim. "People are being petrified; first it was Filch's cat, then that Gryffindor Boy, Collin Creevy. No one knows what's really happening! And I- I'm afraid. You know the monster is attacking muggleborns. I can't around Hogwarts without anxiety that I'll be next.

Esther glanced at her feet. She understood the feeling.

"Justin," Hannah said gently, "Esther's out here too." Esther looked up. "Do you want to talk to her? She probably knows what you're feeling better than we do."

There was silence for a moment.

"Alright," said Justin quietly.

Justin emerged from the bathroom, with Ernie behind him.

"We'll be in the common room if you need us, mate," said Ernie.

Hannah nodded, before quickly embracing Justin. The boy smiled, returning the hug.

"Thanks," Justin murmured, and the two walked away down the corridor.

"Hey," Esther said once they were gone, with a tight smile. "You alright?" She took a seat on the ground with her back to the wall, thankful for the privacy of the quiet hallway.

Justin sat next to her. "Not really. You know how it's been. With both the attacks..."

"Yeah, I know."

Silence engulfed them, both unsure of what to say.

"Have you told your parents about it?" Esther asked finally.

"No; they would worry too much. My mum would probably take me out of Hogwarts for good."

Ether nodded.

"Have you told yours?"

"Gosh no," She sighed. "I don't even know what my father would think. Magic is an odd subject for him."

"Mine too," Justin said. "My mum didn't want me to come here. Thought it took away my potential. My dad asked if I could pull a rabbit out of a hat." He laughed slightly as he spoke. Esther giggled. "What'd yours do when they found out?"

"My dad was just confused, but I don't think he wanted to question it too much. He was probably glad to not have to deal with me for a while." She admitted.

Justin frowned. "Oh. What about your mum?"

Esther bit her lip. "She never found out. She passed away last year. That's why I moved to London: to live with my dad."

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