My Diagnosis

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Her soft features had been silenced by her heavy make-up and big mouth. When asleep, she seemed like a completely different person.

"Snnnnnz." A loud snore emitted from her.

Well... almost different.

He lowered down to eye level and studied her face. She must have been really exhausted to had fallen asleep at her desk. Her mouth was slightly parted and a thin layer of drool coated her bottom lip. Her lips were really prominent to him.

Soft, rosy lips--

Flug coughed.

He straightened up from hovering over her but his eyes still lingered on her face. What was happening?

Was he actually considering... thinking...NO.

Flug slammed the desk. The hit had been so hard that he shook the ground and rattled the numerous amounts of mugs on top of it. Demencia only snored louder.

He was frustrated.

Black Hat would kill him if he knew what was happening right then.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her hard.

"snnzSHIT!" Demencia waved her arms around frantically, accidentally smacking Flug's nose.

"Ow!" Flug's voice was muffled by his hands covering his nose.

"Oh, whoops! Sorry!" She yawned.

The doctor scrunched up his nose and relaxed it, trying to alleviate the pain a bit.

"Why'd you wake me up anyways?" The hybrid stretched, her upper back bending over the back of the chair. Her chest expanded as a few loud pops came from her bones. She let out a deep groan.

Flug only stared. His palms grew sweaty and they only got worse the longer she stretched.

Finally, she went back to her horrible posture and slumped into a 'c' shape.

"I-i was going to ask..." Flug paused. Why did he wake her up? What he did was completely compulsive.

"Your snoring was obnoxious."

Demencia rolled her eyes then made a rather rude gesture with her finger.

"You're so immature!"

"Oh whatever! Everything I do is either not good enough or obnoxious to you! At least Black Hat acknowledges me more than you do!"

"He doesn't even acknowledge you!"


Demencia's face was a deep shade of red. Was she embarrassed? What'd he say?

"...atleast you teach me stuff." Her eyes cut away from his.


"That wasn't a compliment."

The room grew silent. Flug felt his chest tighten, the tension was too thick.

"It's late, goodnight!" He grabbed his stuff and left from the lab, leaving Demencia alone.

She cocked her head to the side, confused. She didn't really care though. The newfound silence lulled her back to sleep.


Flug shut his room door behind him, out of breath. He probably shouldn't have booked it as fast as he had. Hopefully Demencia would be alright in the lab alone.

The room was as dark as always, which scared 5.0.5. It was only dark because of the thick black curtains covering the only windows in the room.

It was also dark so no one could see his face. It wasn't about insecurities, he just hated it when people were nosy. Plus if they knew what he looked like, being in public would be extremely dangerous for him.

Partners Without Benefits Unless Absolutely Necessary (DemenciaxFlug) VillainousWhere stories live. Discover now