Chapter 5

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        After a long drive that seemed like forever we finally arrived to Cameron's house. Let me tell you Cameron's house was amazing. It was like a mansion. When we pulled up to his house I literally thought he was fucking with me!

        "Um this is your house?" I asked.

        "Well where else would we be?" He replied.

        "Your house is huge!" I yelled.

        "I guess you could say that." Cameron said.


        For some reason when he said that I had a feeling he didn't like his house. Was he one of those kids who has everything he could ever ask for and not want it?

        "Well Gabe, shall we?" Cameron said.


        "After you." I said.

        As we got out the car, Cameron seemed a little weird. Like he was in his own world. It's like he was being distant with me. Again I understand I just met him today, but there was something odd about him now. 

        We finally made our way up his long drive-way. It was crazy how big his front door was. It was like an entrance to a castle. What did his parents do for a living? How much money did they make a year? They really must be rolling in the doe? He finally got the door unlocked and we made our way inside. It was so crazy, it felt like I was in a movie. His house was beautiful. Seeing him inside his beautiful house just made it even more perfect. 

        He directed me towards the kitchen, his room, the bathroom, the indoor pool, the hot tub, the living room. He gave me a full tour of his perfect little house. Then finally we were down to business. He put popcorn in the mircowave and picked out a selection of movies for us to watch. I chose the scary one beacause I mean come on, I liked him and wanted a reason to be scared around him. So I chose Cabin in the Woods. He poped it in and it was up hill from there. In the begining of the movie I could tell Cameron wanted to sit close to me, and i started to think. Maybe he is gay?

        Towards the middle of the flick, he graduley got closer. Which of coarse I didnt mind. He got so close to me we were actually touching. Then people started getting murdered and he asked if he could hold my hand. Are you serious I thought. How coud he not be gay? I established that he was. Why would any straight boy ask to hold my hand because he was scared? So I responded.

        "Ya, but im pretty scared, could you hold me?" 

        "I would love to." He replied.

        I layed doen on my side and he behind my back. It was so cute. He held me tightly from behind! I honestly couldnt have been any happier. Towards the end of the movie i wasnt relly paying attention anymore and I dont think he was either. I was more focused on his hands, and body up against me. 

        The movie finally came to an end, and we just kinda layed there. It was late and i had to go. I said.

        "Is it really 4 already?" 

        "I guess it is." Cameron replied. 

        I got up even though I didnt want to and said. 

        "Well Cameron i should get going." 

        "Alright." He replied with a smile.

        We got into his car and it seemed like we were in his car for a whole 2 minutes and then I was home.

        "Will you walk me up?" I said nervously.

        "Yes I will." He replied. 

        He got out and we walked up to my front door.

        "Well goodnight Cameron. I had an amazing time with you tonight." I said.

        "Goodnight Gabe." He replied.

        I put my key in the door as Cameron started walking away. But then I hear him walking back towards me and he said. 

        "I forgot this." 

        He put his hands on my face and started to kiss me and i felt fireworks going off inside me.

        "Why did you do that?" I asked.

        "Because i've wanted to all night." Cameron replied.

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