Coffee Run

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Tony has created a chat room.

Tony has added Bruce.

Tony: Hey Bruce.

Tony: Brucie.

Tony: B. R. U. C. E.

Bruce: Tony its 3:47 in the morning.

Tony: Brucie do you know what I need right about now?

Bruce: No Tony.

Tony: I haven't even said what yet!

Bruce: I'm not getting you coffee at almost 4 in the morning.

Tony: But I NEED it!

Bruce: You need sleep. Not coffee.

Tony: I. NEED. IT.

Bruce: No you don't.

Tony has added Rhodey.

Tony: Tell him to get me coffee.

Rhodey: Seriously? You wake me up for this?

Tony: Please Rhodey!

Rhodey: Not cool man.

Rhodey has left the chat room.

Tony: Rude.

Bruce: Tony go to sleep.

Tony: I'm in the middle of a breakthrough!

Bruce: How about you create a machine that brings coffee to you? And please work on it after you get some sleep.

Tony: If you won't get me coffee I'll get someone who will!

Tony has added Peter, Y/N, Vision, Scott, Stephen, Pietro.

Bruce: No wait don't wake everyone up!

Tony: Too late.

Tony: Would any of you lovely individuals mind grabbing me some coffee?

Stephen: Exactly why would I do that? Especially when I could be sleeping?

Tony: Don't act like you can't open portals to get anything you want!

Stephen: The sling rings are not mean to be used to get COFFEE.

Vision: If I may interject. By chatting with us are you not therefor keeping others awake?

Tony: If I suffer I'm not suffering alone.


Tony: Not until someone gets me coffee so I can finish my work.

Bruce: Tony this is ridiculous. 

Peter: Mr. Stark I have school tomorrow.

Tony: You spend your nights slinging around Queens kid.

Peter: But I just got in bed...

Scott: You do realize that I'm nowhere near the compound right?

Tony: Whoops I meant to add Sam.

Pietro: Get REKT

Scott: Really?! I'm important too you know!

Y/N: Why would Sam willingly get out of bed to get you coffee?

Scott: You could at least acknowledge me.

Scott has left the chat room.

Tony: A full week of messing with Barnes.

Y/N: Not even surprised.

Peter: Wouldn't that cause Cap to you know... 

Peter: Be annoyed and irritated.

Pietro: Get REKT Steve

Tony: A wonderful bonus.

Stephen: There is a reason I don't associate myself with you whenever possible.

Pietro: Get REKT

Vision: Is he truly necessary?

Tony: If he speeds away to get me coffee then yes.

Pietro: You can't escape me Cyborg!

Vision: I wish Wanda was an only child.


Peter: Get REKT

Peter: Dang it...

Y/N: HA I got it first!

Stephen: Okay I'm leaving now.

Tony: Wait get me coffee!

Stephen has left the chat room.

Tony: Stupid wizard.

Bruce: I think he has the right idea. All of us should be sleeping.

Y/N: I agree with Bruce! I'm exhausted.

Peter: Me too. Plus I have a math test tomorrow...

Pietro: HA! We don't have to go to school.

Vision: As they say, Get REKT.

Peter: ◕︵◕

Peter has left the chat room.

Pietro: Not cool Cyborg.

Y/N: What did Peter ever do to you?!

Tony: Everyone knows to leave the kid alone.

Bruce: We didn't raise you to abuse others Vision!

Y/N: I'm going to check on him.

Y/N has left the chat room.

Pietro: Now you've made Y/N leave!

Pietro: Now I despise you even more!

Pietro has left the chat room.

Bruce: Go to bed and think about what you've done young man!

Vision has left the chat room.

Bruce: As for me I'm going to bed. Go to sleep Tony.

Bruce has left the chat room.

Tony: But my coffee...

Tony has left the chat room.

Steve has joined the chat room.

Steve: I'm having trouble sleeping so I'm going on a run to get tea. Someone drank all of ours.

Steve: Does anyone need anything while I'm out?

Steve: Please don't burn down the compound while I'm away.

Steve has left the chat room.

Tony has joined the chat room.

Tony: No wait! Steve come back!


Tony: ...

Tony: Why does the world hate me?

Tony has left the chat room.

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