Family Breakfast

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So APPARENTLY, my computer deleted half of the chat, so sincerest apologies to anyone that read this and was confused. I encourage you to reread or finish reading the chat since I personally believe the ending is the best part.


Clint has created a chat room.

Clint has added Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Bruce, Thor, Vision, Nat, Y/N.

Clint: Hello Super Family!

Clint: Isn't it a wonderful morning?

Sam: Never say that again.

Thor: I believe that name is most fitting!

Nat: Who taught him how to not use caps lock?

Vision: That would be Wanda and Y/N.

Y/N: We were teaching Bucky and Thor about technology yesterday.

Wanda: We would have taught Steve as well but he was getting ready to leave on their mission.

Clint: Speaking of which.

Clint: Since the no fun grandpas are gone how about we make breakfast together?

Clint: I bought waffles, pancakes, orange juice.

Clint: Whatever you like!

Bucky: Why's he so happy?

Sam: Oh look the old man is actually able to read!

Bucky: Did your bird brain make you stupid again?

Sam: I'll show you who's stupid.

Bruce: Please stop fighting in the chat. We get enough of it in the compound.

Thor: I find their bickering most entertaining!

Nat: No one else does.

Clint: So breakfast?

Y/N: I'm in! I'm starving.

Thor: As am I! Will there be Poptarts?

Clint: Of course!

Clint: I bought 5 boxes.

Wanda: He used Stark's credit card.

Vision: That is not surprising.

Thor: They are most delightful! Thank you Sir Clint!

Clint: Anything for you buddy!

Bucky: Can I have 50 bucks?

Clint: I don't see why not!

Y/N: He didn't make a pun...


Sam: Okay I'm seriously weirded out.

Nat: Its still Clint.

Nat: He's just happy Cap and Tony are gone.

Vision: Is that not insensitive?

Bruce: It is but I don't think he truly cares.

Clint: Correct-a-mund-o!

Wanda: Clint, stop talking.

Clint: Okay! Everyone to the kitchen for a Super Family Breakfast!

Y/N has left the chat room.

Nat has left the chat room.

Wanda has left the chat room.

Bruce has left the chat room.

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