Chapter 3 | Second Impressions

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(Y/n) was typing away at her desk, going over all deviant files and trying to predict which ones Hank would decide to go after first. Although it was extremely risky, she couldn't let them just tear them apart. Why did humanity refuse to believe that they could feel? After she had been shot, she had gone to her house to get spare arm. Once the shoulder had been shot, the rest was practically useless. She couldn't go to CyberLife stores for a replacement because she was a unique model. No other android had a similar arm. There was no way she could ask for them to make a one of a kind arm for an android that wasn't supposed to exist and not get caught. Only she had those parts. She heard footsteps approaching her desk and she looked up. It was Connor. Without saying a word, she turned back to her terminal, ignoring him.

"Sergeant (L/-. I apologise. (Y/n). It is good to see you alright after the events of yesterday. I didn't think that you would recover so quickly." She barely acknowledged him. "Is there something wrong?"

"How-" She swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to get a sentence out. "How could you say those things?"

"What did I say?" Connor asked her.

"Yesterday with the deviant. He was traumatised from what he had done and you just pounded the guilt into him. That was quite... heartless of you, Connor." She frowned sadly.

"I am sorry if my actions upset you. I just thought it would be the best approach to get the most information." He apologised and (Y/n) gave a small nod of understanding.

"I'm just glad you didn't probe his memory. At least he didn't lose his life to us. Hang on. You thought?" A small smirk played on her face.

"Well- ummm- my instructions - I mean, my programming was meant to decide that in that situation-"

"Okay okay. Please stop." (Y/n) held up a hand with a small laugh as she listened to the android awkwardly try to correct himself. "I get what you meant." She said. There was a brief moment of silence as both thought of how to change the subject. Instead, Connor walked away a bit before he realised the desk opposite (Y/n)'s was Hank's.

"Do you know what time Lieutenant Anderson usually gets here?"

"If he was out drinking last night, he will be awhile. If not, he may be here before noon. That lazy little..." Her sentence drifted off before any vulgarities came out her mouth and she just sighed. Connor lifted Hank's headphones to his ear and pressed play on the music. (Y/n) could tell that there was heavy metal blasting through without having to hear. She pretended to work as she watched Connor curiously inspect the desk. He tapped the phone to try to call Hank.

"Call Hank Anderson." He said.

"Hey this is Hank." The voicemail said. "You can leave a message if that what turns you on but don't expect me to call back. Beep, whatever." The android hung up then his LED turned yellow as he analysed the desk. "He despises androids."

"Yeah. Didn't you realise that already?"

"I knew he had... some objectionable thoughts to my presence but his anti android slogans lead me to believe he has a particular reason for his negative feelings towards androids."

"Don't push him about that. His reasons are his to tell. If you stay on his good side, maybe he will tell you himself." She said. As she went back to typing, Connor spoke up again.

"He owns a Saint Bernard. He has dog hairs on his chair." A smile broke out on (Y/n)'s face as she saw the curiosity the android looked at the chair with. He was so interested by learning about everyone and everything, almost like a child that had gone outside for the first time. "And he's a Detroit Gears fan." He told her, pointing at the basketball hat.

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