Chapter 7 | Home

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I am so sorry! It's another short chapter. I didn't know what to add to it to make it longer and it was a bit rushed. I hate myself too and I will try to make them longer again.

(Y/n) stepped off the train onto the small platform as it came to stop. A sign on the roof read 'Ferndale' and she smiled. She was in her other clothes she used to help get deviants away but only her hood helped conceal her face this time. Glancing left she saw the familiar orange graffiti with a sharp white square sign hiding in plain view. Looking around just on instinct to make sure no one was looking at her, she turned right and began heading down the escalator to the a part of the street that expanded into the train station. 

There was another graffiti with the symbol on a wall opposite her and she walked straight past it to the right and went onto the street. Other humans were walking along the pavement, some with their androids following after them. (Y/n) sent angry glares their way but quickly walked past. 

She ran across some roads despite the red light and she saw another graffiti with the two symbols on the corner of a building, hidden among some starts in rainbow streaks. Carrying on down the road, she came to another alley that connected to a small abandoned car park that had some old, manual cars and it was closed in by concrete walls and the alleyway. 

The alley was cut off from the street by a metal fence and there was a graffiti of 4 robots all lined up on the wall opposite the car park. 3 of the square symbols were on or above each of the robots. There was a hole cut in the bottom left of the fence to the alley which was large enough for a grown person to crawl under. Glancing behind her, (Y/n) crouched down and pushed past it, slightly lifting the fence in the process. No one looked her way as she walked past the graffiti and turned right into the slightly fenced off square of land. From her perspective in the doorway of the metal fence, part of the top of the wall in the far left corner of the boxed in area was non existent, leading to another area. 

The next graffiti of a woman's head was poking out from it, partially hidden by the wall the hole was in. A blue dumpster had been moved next to the wall to make the jump to the hole in the wall easier. Running up, (Y/n) leapt onto the crate then onto the bit of into the space where the missing wall was. Not bothering to look at the graffiti again, knowing she would see the symbols, she faced the gap in the wall. 

It wasn't really just a gap. It led into a square stone corridor that had no roof. The ground had given out a while ago and they was now a long drop in its place. A bar stuck out of the left wall that was old with rust. Running again, she ran towards that wall and got enough momentum to run alongside it for a second before pushing off it and grabbing hold of the bar. She swung once then let go, flying towards the other side of the gap. To soften her landing, she rolled along the ground then got up. The stone corridor opened up into the middle of some dilapidated buildings that boxed the area in. 

Some fallen metal walkways and dirt piles filled up the square of space. (Y/n) jumped down into it from where she was since it was a bit of a drop to the actual place. One of the building had a large, colourful advert on it that read SPARKLE CITY. A couple more symbols were scattered around it and there was a small doorway at the top of it with a weird metal caging leading down from it but it only went about two metres. She looked at the broken rusted walkways that were balanced at a slant so they led up to a higher stone ledge. They had been placed there a while ago by her, so it would be easier to get up, unless you didn't see it. She walked towards it and began to climb up and got to the ledge. Then she began to run. 

She used her speed to bounce off the wall to her left and grabbed a hold of the edge of another small platform and pulled herself up. Once up, she saw the doorway above the advert just a little bit further up. She was about level with the caging below it. Knowing she wouldn't make it otherwise, she jumped to it and pulled herself within it and quickly climbed up it, onto the ledge. The doorway was just in front of her. Continuing on, she walked inside the dim, broken down building. There was a hole in the left wall of the large room she was in. Another symbol was on the wall/pillar but she couldn't be bothered to join it up so she went to the hole. Surprisingly, there was nothing obstructing it. Usually there were boards or wood in the way.

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