chapter 1

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"Mell. Mellmarito! MELLLL!!!!," Tina whined, pushing her lip out farther than humanly possible, "Pleaseeee! Can we just go?"

I sighed, sliping off my glasses and my focus on the computer screen.

"Tina I told you. We can't just pack up an leave," I rested my head on my arm, "One: we're both crazy busy."

"Lies!" she cried, springing up from the couch, "The tour has been done for two months now and all you've done is some interviews and photoshoots thats it."

"Two," I said, ignoring her, "who are we gonna stay with? I don't wanna stay in a hotel, we wont be able to do all the stuff we want cause all we have is the tour guide and tourists around. Thats so boring."

"First of all, nothing is boring about England, even the tourist stuff. Second, we can stay with your friends! From what you told me they wouldnt mind at all."

"You just want a chance to make Haz fall in love with you," I giggled, "But really...I dont want to inconvence them. We've both been really busy, too busy to keep in touch. I havent talked to them in a month, even Annie. They might not even be in England, I think they might have a tour soon..."

"You miss them though," Tina said, reading my mind.

"I just dont wanna barge into theyre lives again. They kinda just forgot about me after Liam and I broke up. They promised to keep in touch...but they didnt. I dont blame them, like I said...super busy."


"Look lets just drop it, Alexander is going to be here any minute."

Just then my doorbell went off. I snatched up random magazines, messy coffee cups, useless paper plates, a dirty jacket from the living roomm floor and threw them into the nearest closet. The door was in reach within seconds, and I threw it open. Before me stood Alexander Barron. He smiled down at me in my doorway with all his glory - a real life James Bond, his hair was smooth as silk and his eyes would dance and his sly smile could make danger laugh at itself. A hummingbird's wings were a turtle's crawl compared to my heartbeat as he walked past me, into my humble penthouse. As he walked in front of me to the couch, I took care to notice his outfit. He was wearing just black demin jeans and a blue tshirt - a blue that he knew was my favorite, a blue that was the color of the ocean. I know that sounds plain and boring, but let me tell you, it was breathtaking.

"Hi Tina," he grinned, making his flawless molars appear.

"Alex," Tina replied with a smirk and an eye roll, leaning back onto the couch and tapping at an obnoxious volume on the couch.

Alexander slid onto my couch before turning the distinct blend of hazel in his eyes on me. Me, the starstruck girl whose waist he snuck his arm around, whose legs tangled with his as she got pulled into his lap, whose arms landed lightly chest. Me, who got her breath stolen in that very moment. His fingers strolled through my long waves, they stroked my cheeks, they got lost in my own. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tina gagging, but I ignored her. I could have stayed in that moment forever.

"Hi babe," I finally managed to say, "How was the shoot?"

"Same old same old," he chuckled, "Pose here, smile there, wink if you can. Simple really, but the fans love it, so I guess it'll make some good PR."

"So this is going to be a real big movie then," I assumed.

"Ehh should be," he shrugged, "But I think Radiers of the Hills will be bigger. I got the call today."

My mouth hung open in shock. He did it, he really really did it. He got cast in a massive forgein movie - one of his dreams since he became an actor. Pride plastered a postivie grin on my face, but it wasn't seen for long. It was hidden as Alexander melted his lips into mine. Fireworks exploded, choirs sang, sunlight beamed, and someone pulled us apart.

"Oi! Still in the room here! And with a full stomach of now very frightened food!" Tina scolded, "And besides Mr. Movie Star, Miss Mell and I were trying to have a conversation about going to England when you so rudely interrupted."

"I think its a great idea!" Alexander chirped, which almost made me catch Tina's eyeballs, "It be awesome having a break from you, Tina! But on the other hand, I'd feel too bad for scaring the poor British population by setting you loose on them....better not go then."

"OH! You're so funny Alex! That was a reaaaal knee slapper," Tina scoffed, "Oh, by the way, when is you're mirror coming out of therpy. I think its time it faced its faced its nightmare and saw youre face everyday."

They went back anf forth for another ten minutes. The insults grew more and more creatively stupid, and dirtier - inculding the mention of mothers, dogs, faces, and fish. Lets just say Tina and Alexander aren't the best of friends.

"Whatever Tina," Alexander huffed, and leaned back against the couch, while snuggling me into his chest, "I get my Mell to cuddle with so HA! I win."

"What do you think about me going to London?" I hesitantly askedafter Tina sulked into the other room.

Alexander sat straight up, pulling me off his face to look me in the eye, and gasped, "Where you actually thinking about going? With all the things you're doing?"

"Well, actually I'm not doing too much, and I'm sure Shelly would move things so I could leave for a while..."

"What about all my things? If theres a PR event and I need a date who am I supposed to take? I can't show up alone and I sure as heck can't take some other girl. You know what the press will say! Are you just going to leave me like that?"

"I...I doubt I'll make that big of a difference babe. I'm not even sure if I'm going. You have a point though. There's all the things I have to here plus your things.But, this is a perfect time to visit London...and it is my dream....."

I can't just say, "Oh yes boyfriend that I really like, I'm going to ditch you to go to London and have tons of fun without you. Sorry!" right? My head kept telling me all the things how could go wrong, how flying isn't fun, how I had responisblities. But images of London and the English countryside - the lush green fields that I used to spend my daydreams in - pushed past all my intellectual wall. Jumbles of thoughts rammed against my skull and sent shocks down my back as I tried to dedcide was was best. Why couldn't I just choose? I just didn't know what to do. What to do, what to do: take a trip and have fun or stay home and be responsible?

"WE'RE GOING TO LONDON FUDGE MAKING ENGLAND!!!" Tina cheered as she sprinted up into the room, my phone waving in her hand like a confused fly, "Uncle Simon just texted you. They need the both of us in London ASAP for a meeting!"

Well, it looks like I'm getting my England trip, and a relationship test.

hey everyone! sorry this took forever to update. im back in school with crazy hw and clubs and such and my sister came to visit. from now on updates are going to be whenever i can update :/ sorry but i have too many things to stick to a weekly schedual. i will keep writing though so stick with me i thank God for all you wonderful readers :) tell me what you think! and welcome offically to CATCHING A STAR! - gabs <3

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