Chapter 1

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I haven't eaten in three days.

Walking down the pedestrian filled street, my ratty old black Converse carried me across the cracked pavement. Even though I wasn't looking I knew my skin was a deathly pale white color, my lips chapped and the skin around my brown eyes was tinged red. If someone were to see me past the black hood that was currently masking my face, they would probably think I just stumbled from a drug house or something.

It's not too shabby of a guess, though. If I were to see a teenage girl cladded in a black sweatshirt and dark wash skinny jeans, with her shoulders hunched forward, basically curling in on herself I would draw the same conclusion.

Shivering despite the sun beating down on me- and yes, I can walk in the daylight, along with every other vampire ever- I pulled the sweatshirt tighter against me and picked up the pace.

Really, my main issue was the humans and the tempting smell of blood. Gross, yeah I know, but when your a vampire and the only way you can live is to drink it, blood becomes quite appealing. The trick is to pretend it isn't blood, or at least not think of the fact it is.

Before you get your panties is a twist, I've never once drank human blood. Yes, it's hella temping, and yes, I have heard it's waaaaaay better than the animal blood that I drink, but no. I can't even think of locking my teeth into the neck of some unexpecting human... The taste of their sweet, sweet blood on my tongue... The pain in my stomach ebbing away with every swallow-

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Okay, so I've thought about it. Especially during days like these, where I haven't eaten in for-ev-er.

Don't worry though, I won't break. I have the will of... Well, something. I really can't think on an empty stomach.

Finally I reached the end of the road and slipped into the woods. I really needed to eat, there was no more putting it off.

To be fair, I haven't really been trying. I know, I know, I'm hungry so I should try to eat, right?


Well, right but I've been having issues catching anything other that rabbits- I know, I'm a fail of a vampire. "Predator animals" my ass.

The truth is, I hate killing rabbits. You see, I had this little white rabbit when I was ten named Kibbles. Yeah, well, long story shot he meant a lot to me, we formed a real bond, and then he ran away. Just like that. Didn't even say goodbye to tell me he was off to chase his dreams or anything. So when I was turned and was looking for food, I hated going after rabbits, because each one reminded me of Kibbles or even worst, made me wonder if each rabbit I killed was Kibbles himself.

Then again, that was seven years ago and I'm three states away from where I used to live, so chances were he's not here.

Ten minutes of walking quietly through the fallen leaves, I picked up the smell of blood, this time animal. It smelt like...

I smiled. Deer.

Deer blood is probably one of the better ones I've had in my day. If I can catch it, then I will have a full belly for a while.

Slowing my steps, I followed the smell and sound of the deer that, from what I could tell, was munching on some grass. Peeking around a tree, I could finally see it standing a few feet from me.

I could barely hold the small 'aww' that wanted to escape my throat. He was adorable. The little guy's ears were twitching at the slightest sounds (none of which were coming from me, I am proud to say), he had light brown hair, except for the few white spots on his back and belly. He looked exactly like Bambi.

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